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Last seen: 17 years 9 months ago

Hey SAS members, my name is fire. I have been playing in the SAS TG1 server for quite some time. I even filled out a form to hopefully become a SAS member. I filled out an app on the site is because I want to be part of a fast growing active clan. My previous clans failed at that. Hopefully I will have good times with this clan until god forbid the clan dies. I've been waiting for a tryout but, the lcpl's rarely come on so if you can please make me do a tryout, I've been waiting for a long time. Thanks

SAS's friend,

SAS_Ranger's picture
Last seen: 6 years 14 hours ago

Hi there Fire, welcome to world of SAS, just be sure to stick around the SAS servers and get to know some of the members and show you are a quality player and hopefully you'll be SAS soon enough Dirol

Last seen: 12 years 7 months ago

Greetings Fire,

I have played with you on TG # 1 and can advise you that joining SAS is not an easy process... we receive a plethera of applications... but only select a few for consideration.

If your desire is strong and your commitment matching... we will notice you. As directed by RCT_Ranger.. remain active in our servers... spend alot of time reading all that you can get access to on our website... when in the servers... show us you have read our tactics sections... by demonstrating good tactics... our tactics... ask for guidance and instruction from SAS members...

I acknowledge receipt of your application... and advise you that the application form is only a step in the process.

Time, your effort... and the quality of your online play will determine if we approach you for membership...

Until such time as we MAY ask... study hard... train harder... practice, perfect and prosper... and await with bated breath the call that MAY come...

[color=yellow][SAS] 22nd E.V.R. - SAS_VET_EN4CER /[color] Virtus Disciplina Unitas

Last seen: 14 years 6 months ago

Am I actually the only one who is worried that there is FIRE in our headquarter ... :? ... ... ...
(*gets an extinguisher* ... *sussshhh* ... *brssssh*)
ok nvm

Welcome to the mighty SAS, (trace of) fire Smile

P.S. you might want to peek in here:

\"Virtue is its own reward.\"