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Last seen: 16 years 2 months ago

Thanks to all who responded to my previous post. I am TRYING to do the right thing on the SAS public server, but I am not having much success. I have downloaded TS, but when I try to connect, all I get is "server not responding or may not be running teamspeak". My IP address is correct and my firewalls are off. I do not know how to figure it out and I'm missing valuable time I could be using to train and show off my skills to SAS members. I am a computer noob and if anyone can help in layman's terms I will be so thankful. Sorry I am so good at killing tangoes and so bad at computer stuff!

Last seen: 5 years 5 months ago
Re: F@#%ING TS!

Thanks to all who responded to my previous post. I am TRYING to do the right thing on the SAS public server, but I am not having much success. I have downloaded TS, but when I try to connect, all I get is "server not responding or may not be running teamspeak". My IP address is correct and my firewalls are off. I do not know how to figure it out and I'm missing valuable time I could be using to train and show off my skills to SAS members. I am a computer noob and if anyone can help in layman's terms I will be so thankful. Sorry I am so good at killing tangoes and so bad at computer stuff!

I've gotton it allot, usually means.

Firewall not configured - you ruled that out.
IP or Password is wrong - You ruled that out
Registored name filled in when not registored to server.
Or a problem with the router ports.
Or the server is down - which we ruled out.

If you have X-Fire or AIM I'd be glad to get with you, and see what I can do.

Last seen: 12 years 11 months ago

Please clarify...

Can you connect with any TS servers ?

If your trying to connect with the [SAS] TS server you need the password. If entered incorrectly you will receive that error.

[color=yellow][SAS] 22nd E.V.R. - SAS_VET_EN4CER /[color] Virtus Disciplina Unitas

Last seen: 18 years 4 months ago

I've had personaly bad problems with Xfire and Steam conflicting with each other when both processes are running at the same time on wireless or wired connections. I've also had the same problems with TS and Xfire and have had to quit Xfire to stablize my connection. It could also be his ISP provider or lack there that may be the problem. I know Cox Cable doesn't mind TS servers or joining one but ComCast is hateful to the whole idea.


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