Evidence? Bull...

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Last seen: 17 years 8 months ago
Evidence? Bull...

All of you will remember the World Trade Center collapse, and we have all seen the footage of the tower collapse... But I didnt see this, and I still dont, not even in the video...http://www.letsroll911.org/

Also... http://forum.physorg.com/index.php?showtopic=4418

The first article, if youre too lazy to read it Wink , is some idiotic webpage saying that one of the planes fired a missile into the building before it hit, and that it was an inside job and Bin Laden is not to blame blah blah blah...

The second article is by a Finnish researcher claiming that he has evidence to substantiate a claim that a nuclear device was detonated to create the mushrooming effect of the collapse (where rubble spread out from the building as it fell). This, he says, is the only way to explain it.

And now... for my rebuttal...

To the first article, the terrorists must have had time to land the plane somewhere and attach a device capable of launching a missle (with sufficient explosive force mind you) into the building, and they happened to sneak that onto the plane in their rectums, as most criminals do. You have got to be freaking kidding me. If you require further explanation of why this theory is idiotic, then you may pm me...

The second article... you Finnish idiot (no offense to any Finns). You had best get back to college and rethink your career, because you don't cut it even halfway as a scientist of any magnitude. So the only way to explain it is a nuke? No. I can explain it in few words. Imagine if you will a glass tube, and then imagine two large stoppers that fit in the tube and make a seal against the sides. Now push the stoppers toward eachother at a steady speed and the air in between will be compressed. Now imagine that the stoppers are actually the 5000 ton floors of the WTC, and imagine they are compressing one another at 10 meters/per second squared (roughly the acceleration of gravity). As one would expect, you will have a column of air whose pressure will eventually shatter the concrete and glass around it, creating a "mushroom cloud" of dust, ash, glass and pulverized concrete.

This has been another section of Merge's Campaign Against Stupidity. We appreciate your support. :ninja: :tired: :sick:


Last seen: 4 months 1 week ago

ill sign up

What a pair of complete %$$££^^&**))££!""$^$£$£%£$%$R

Nukes, missiles omg are the general public really smarter than these guys?

Lt_Col WIZ,  VC, MiD (Ret)

Last seen: 16 years 1 month ago

You of all people should know Merge, people are STUPID. Now I'm going to cry myself to sleep cause of these articles. Yes, and what about all that nuclear radiation to you know, NEW YORK CITY. Yes, because that would stay contained within the crash site.

My brain hurts again.

Last seen: 11 years 2 months ago

M.C.A.S. now that has a nice ring to it. ROFL :alien:

Last seen: 15 years 4 months ago

Nukes!? :laugh: that sounds like they have a lot of fun scaring people Blum 3

Fire at will!

Last seen: 5 years 1 week ago
