Gday. (sorry if my english words looks bad)
I am cool to see that future on SAS myself, play it and feel it.
The main factor of deaths on Middle difficulty is not the extra reactions of tangos to shoot someone's head imo. It is patrol abillity, when the tangos moving and then shooting your back.
And so if the SAS (i am extremely sad) cannot agree on Cutom maps, maybe the Elite Tango difficulty will make any sense. The maps switching way to fast in day.
Discuss, Imagin... Maybe I'll try to Defend it, the way I know how.
Any situation has it\'s normal beginning
Welcome to the forums Athena. If I understand what you're saying correctly, we like to keep stock maps on PG2 because it is a public server. Sometimes I have seen pubbers go onto round 20 or 30 of a map, so if you find yourself completing maps quickly it's probably because you have a good group of players with you rather than things being too easy.
22nd [SAS] E.V.R. - Who Dares Wins
Welcome Athena. Where are you from?
For your suggestions, we only run stock maps on our public server because you can't download the maps from our server and that would make our server less popular. The elite difficulty in RVS does not make sense: the tangos look like they are cheating and to kill them you have to play by memory which is not something we want.
22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
Hello Athena.
First off its good to see ya on forum had some good games with you.
For what ya saying then I agree with these 2 fellas,
It is a matter of how many players you play with, if they are good but on a bad day you can play a map that will take 10/20 or 30 rounds.
Just enjoy playing don't forget there are still 20 maps and I'm sure one if harder/easier/boring then the other one. And if ya see some rushers, then ofc tell them not to rush and if they won't listen then we will kick them like forever!
Who Dares Wins!!
Welcome Athena!!
Be seeig you on the servers.
Elite difficulty as stated doesn't improve the tangos abilities, it just increases the reaction time to a unrealistic level. But that's just my opinion as far as I tried it in singleplayer. As Nick stated you would have to really play by memory and remember: "Ah there's tango" and then just be quick enough. In Vetern-level they react not too slow, but also not too fast.
But anyways, welcome!!! Be seeing you on the servers again hopefully!!
A lot of the times they are actually too fast for me
Shame to admit lol.
Going through maps is not a bad thing at all, Athena! Especially because I've seen some of them played about 80 times.
Welcome to the Forums, and I hope you enjoy our servers ^^'
Hey, thanks very much.
Your words inspiring the any Ideas, it is inspiring me even more. But... I cannot defend my own postion anymore. Quick, ah lol?
Perhaps 1 isnt serious argument; what if reduce number of tangos?
I see it isnt bad (argumental by you). See... how many terrorist (overall) was active in most known world's actions ? I really dont know.
Anyone played online on Elite btw?
Again, thank you for welcoming me warmly. I am from Belarus and it's country called 'Lakes'.
@Yogi, "A lot of the times they are actually too fast for me..." --True. That is because the fault gaming process. You see the ''tango'' sliding on 2, you suppose to aim, but then he suddenly standing... and you dead.
@xXWilDXx, "...had some good games with you". Same to me. We both seen each other on our monitors, and so we were believe in what we did at the same time.
>Custom maps>. if there any chance to play with you, send me PM. I am stable at this.
By the way my Skype is: Yegor99
Xfire is: Yegor99
My name is George.
Any situation has it\'s normal beginning
The number of tangos is a bit unrealistic, I agree.
But can you imagine when you go into a map and there are only 17 or so? That means two people kill all of them and you're lucky to even see a tango.
So I like the tango count where it's at, actually. Yesterday we had a game where every player had 4-6 kills. It was awesome. It was done so fast and everyone got their piece
Howdy Athena and Welcome, Patrol can be nice at times to keep everybody on their toes or they will die, the tangos dont stay in the same place, I agree elite mode is bit off.
No, patrol isnt bad at all. Patrol i mean generic reaction on the sound and gother of tango in same place from different areas. The Airport for example.
Remember the Warehouse, the beginning, right and the ground floor? Someone's had throw the Nade and Voa-la, all the tangoes...
Remember the Shipyard's beginning? Tango gother, and as result they seems as Rabbits on the ground. (spectre of visibility of the Rainbow)
Oil Refinery. The first map, the easiest one. Non of Tango practically ever trys to shoot you. The all dies before the gun got raise. And the Rainbow deaths was bounded with...
Penthouse. Tango do not want to know you. Tango is peaced and all they want to do is to watch the football.
The counter-opinion:
Garage. Short distance suppose to kill you quick. And the slow animation on any movements (flash, charge e.g.) making it worst. In this case worth to mention a Tactics.
EDIT: Could you please correct the Topic name ?
Any situation has it\'s normal beginning
But having 20 tangos running in circles like chickens with their heads cut off it ridiculous. That's what I don't like about patrol. Sometimes it's in a random part of the map too, and there's really no reason for them all to be piled up like that, especially when you've been using a silencer around the map...
Like Ez said though, it keeps you on your toes
It keeps you from being lazy and/or playing by memory.
Elite mode is highly unrealistic due to some very bad coding.
Just wait untill Project VI gets released
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
Still waiting for that ^_^
Hurry up already! lol