As an Element: Breach, Bang and Clear

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Last seen: 15 years 5 months ago
As an Element: Breach, Bang and Clear

this is a nice site i found learned a few things like el enters last gonna start to go by this Smile anyway here is the link:

Last seen: 9 years 6 months ago

Some good stuff there ray but I like more minimal penetration; if there are no obstacles in the room there is no need to go that far but it depends on how the room is.

I don't like how blue one goes on the other side of the door before going in.

I don't agree how red 1 enters if there are no threats on his right side; he should have done a U turn to check as much of the room he can since he is the first in.

I don't know if I forgot something but that's what I saw with a quick look

22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment

Last seen: 16 years 1 month ago

Red 1: see pictures 2 and 3 again pls.
He already overviewed this area and it is covered by blue 1/2, later on by EL himself, so he's free to cover No Man's Land.
B1 is risky, yes, he could have moved to this position before engaging.
As a scheme this shows one very simplified way of dominating a room fast and effectively.
Rooms tend to look different, this just shall show how it is done in general.
In special it is decided by both EL and on enter by your personal adjustment how far you really have to enter a room.

Nice find Ray, though I think it has already been here some times now 8O Biggrin
Remember the textline with the prone pointman Dirol

Gone but not forgotten.

Last seen: 13 years 2 weeks ago

Thats interesting, and not really that bad...but.
I believe he means to say R1 is Crouched, not prone.
And if EL is entering Last, Why is he Blocking the Door?
I dont really think this was interpreted correctly, is up to interpretation.
Another words...If Some Teams want the EL in the Hallway by himself, and last one to enter. So-be It.
Not the Smartest thing, and exactly what orders would an EL give if entering the room last?,,"CLEAR"., followed by "Doh"


Last seen: 15 years 5 months ago


Last seen: 5 years 3 months ago

This site turns up so often....

The direction point goes is essentially a question of unit SOP. The thing that really irks me though, is the door entry and points of domination for B1, B2, and EL.

In Fig,.3 B1 has crossed the opening and along with B2, angled into the room with arcs of fire; and EL standing in front of the door. This might be a good idea with a secure rear, low threat room, and a form of staggered entry -- but other wise it's just too dangerous IMHO. It's a great way for B1 (and possibly EL) to get his butt pumped full of bullets or TK a teammate.

In [SAS], I know I can trust the other man to go for his sector, and I can go for mine without [much] worry of being shot in the back from that corner. [SAS]_Duke and I used to rely upon this in stealth clearing. In the Fig.3 on that web site, I'd be more worried about my team shooting my in the tookus or the tangos slaying 2/3 of the element who is camping the door way. Which is not something I would see from an [SAS] Member Wink

If the entry is nice and smooth, full team entering without a delay; then what this website describes in Fig 3 would only waste time and give advantage to the enemy.

In Fig.4 you have a bad situation where EL must cross B2's line of fire, even if you took away the possiblity of a tango appearing rear, B2 opening fire, and EL walking into that burst---in real life I would worry about EL hitting into B2s muzzle !!!

The only good thing I see here, is mention of the expression 'no mans land', but unfortunately, the methods describe somewhat make it a moot point, or a 'missed point'.

When I enter a room, I'd really like to survive it, that website tells the opposite in my opinion.

Last seen: 13 years 4 months ago

Hmmm... Odd figures.

I can follow fig 1 and 2.

The rest looks messy... :o

But I have seen figures before that looks weird and in RL it worked anyways... and opposite... Blum 3

Swat_Lukas Coop Generation Veteran IMAGE(

SAS_Sniper's picture
Last seen: 6 months 3 weeks ago

Ah that old site ........hmmmmm

My professional opinion on that room clearing drill is that too many men in the room plus the first man in the room did not clear left side first and second man clear right side. It was vice versa. The reason for clearing Left side first is for 1 simple reason. Most people are right handed, and when the butt of a rifle is in your right shoulder it is more natural that the Xray inside the room to ambush from the far left corner in relation to the door. That is why we in the army are trained to clear left side first.

In most rooms you only ever need 2 men in the room, its all about area of responsibilty. One man clears left and One man clears right, quick simple and very effective when the right level of practise and training is applied. I would say that it is a smart thing to place someone in the corridor just incase some other xray decides to come out of one of the other rooms in that level of the target building.

Remember LCpl EL doesnt always have to be with the team, EL must trust the team to do the job.


Head of Recruitment & Tactical Training

GCHQ - 22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment

Last seen: 5 years 3 months ago

Interesting observation Sniper never actually occured to me before.

Me, I'd just rig a claymore near the door, with a trip wire to blow it when the assault team opens the door lol.

Last seen: 13 years 4 months ago

I agree about 2 officers should be enough for many rooms.

In the figures shown above, R1 should have gone left towards the most uncleared area and R2 to the right (or opposite). And just enough into the room to make room for others, if needed. And keep enough officers in the hall to maintain a safe perimeter as possible, in case of surprises.

If the room have new doorways leading into new rooms, you have the though decision, keep clearing that way and loose terrain of domain, or stick to a plan (a bad plan is better then no plan), and continue clearing towards another part of the house. Where the situation are most likely to be...

Swat_Lukas Coop Generation Veteran IMAGE(

Last seen: 11 years 7 months ago

Raynolds made some nice screenshots last night, fitting good to this topic.

I like this one best (see link): The smoke from the bang was still there... Dirol


DUKE, Germany

"What's the plan?
Track'em, find'em, kill'em!"

Last seen: 15 years 5 months ago

hehe thx duke