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Last seen: 15 years 6 months ago

Hi Guys...As u all know i was banned from sas eu server...I was asking santtu 4 his email so he could make armpatch and sgt sniper got upset and thought i was recruting..I am no longer with utf clan it was actually a non functioning caln anyway with no server....I appoligize4 the mis understanding.I only play raven sheild so that i can play in sas server so if u could please reconsider ur banning me that would be great..I actually applied to join sas so if u guys could find it in ur hearts to allow me to at least play on sas servers that would be great........I am a long time player of raven sheild and dont want to end my days here in this fashion.....Once again i appoligize 4 any misunderstanding......Please let me know if i will be able to play on sas server eu in the future...If not i will have to start playing swat 4 with my sas freinds thanks Question B:

Last seen: 2 years 2 months ago

Personally i don't know 8balls but come on guys and girls give MG a chance to redeem him self.

like some one once said
"To Err Is Human To Forgive Divine"

if he acts inappropriately in anyway that would be grounds for a life ban RIGHT ?.

he's only asking for 1 chance. and no more

[SAS]_Vet_Ade Veteran (Vet) 22nd Elite Virtual Regiment.

Last seen: 15 years 3 weeks ago

He had the chance, he was warned, and banned.....

SAS is capable to manage this Exclaim

Last seen: 15 years 6 months ago

Sgt Sniper asked me if i was recruting on server and i told him no..Thats not a chance then i ask 4 email and get banned ....Its not fair i have never caused sas problems as ur members that see me all the time..the only thing that u heard was what sniper has said thats hearsay..as all the rest of sas and they will tell u i have never caused problems....U said one time u didnt like me any way why is that i have never done any thing to you ....

Last seen: 15 years 6 months ago

santtu was the person i asked 4 email there were also other players in there.like lucite..he was told not to ask 4 email also.it says no were in rules that u cant ask 4 other players email....so were is the violation..if you could please just ask santtu and the others they will tell u i have never recruitied in sas servers...........Most of the sas members have know me 4 years and im sure they will tell u the same thing..if asking 4 email is recruting then that needs to be stated in rules....because before u know it everyone will be banned 4 this reason....

Last seen: 11 years 6 months ago

well 8balls - i for one look forward to being able to play with you again on both servers - soon hopefully Smile


Semper Fidelis

Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago

Recruiting by other clans, on SAS servers is not permitted. Anyone suspected of doing so will face an immediate Global ban, and their IP and account will be banned from this website.

So misunderstanding or not, it is always the member(s) that banned you that you've got to sort things out with in order to get unbanned. Until then, you're a sitting duck: because we don't circumnavigate our admins authority. It is also universal netiquette that one doesn't recruit on other teams servers, and behaves as a guest whenever playing on someone else's servers; which is what we expect of our guests.

If it's just a misunderstanding, I hope things work out towards an unban. Either way it's not my decision, anymore then it is a logical choice of discussion for idle chit chat Wink

Last seen: 11 years 6 months ago

to be totally honest if asking for someones e-mail or xfire on sas servers is recruiting then i and im sure many other people should have been banned a long time ago - thats all i have to say because i would call 8balls a friend as do other sas members i hope for his sake and ours that this is resolved Smile in the meantime 8balls - check ur pm for my email and xfire Smile


Semper Fidelis

Last seen: 9 years 3 weeks ago
Last seen: 12 years 10 months ago

This thread is hereby closed by GCHQ.

Any such further attempts to discuss the ban, are to be locked by moderators immediately.

How we manage our servers is not debatable nor is it subject to question in open format.

[color=yellow][SAS] 22nd E.V.R. - SAS_VET_EN4CER /[color] Virtus Disciplina Unitas