I told u NOT to show people the video of my first try with a gun!
Nice one medic.
- Hjorsleev
Hjorsleev | Denmark
Now.... i aw that one coming as soon as I opened the clip. How come everyone around her, thought that it was a good idea?
Join the Dark side! We have cookies!
Double OUCH for that lady.
we had the same thing a year ago on our shooting range, i told the lady grip that .44 magnum revolver very tight it kicks
(formerly known as SAS_LCpl_Hunter)
I told u NOT to show people the video of my first try with a gun!
Nice one medic.
- Hjorsleev
Hjorsleev | Denmark
Now.... i aw that one coming as soon as I opened the clip. How come everyone around her, thought that it was a good idea?
Join the Dark side! We have cookies!
Double OUCH for that lady.
we had the same thing a year ago on our shooting range, i told the lady grip that .44 magnum revolver very tight it kicks
(formerly known as SAS_LCpl_Hunter)