I had a look through the archived posts for a list of console commands but i couldn't find any so here they are for both Multiplayer and Singleplayer Raven Shield.
WARNING: These commands may affect your enjoyment of Singleplayer RvS
Administration Commands
Full comand list ::::
Global Commands (can be done in either Single player mode or Multiplayer mode)
flush - flushes the game cache engine
suicide - kills you instantly
name - changes your player name
say - chat to all
teamsay - chat to your team only
quit - exits out of the game
brightness <1.0> - adjusts the brightness in game (default is 1.0)
contrast <1.0> - adjusts the contrasts in the game (default is 1.0)
gamma <1.0> - adjusts the gamma in game (default is 1.0 recommend 1.5)
Single Player Commands Only
BehindView 1 - Allows you to play in third person (0 is first person)
Ghost - Allows you to fly around the map (typing Walk will end it)
FullAmmo - Stocks your player with lots of ammo
DemoRec demoname - Records a demo of your current game
StopDemo - Stops recording current demo
DemoPlay demoname - Plays the demo you call upon. (Doesn't seem to work right in the demo)
God - Make yourself invincible
GodTeam - Make you and your team invincible
GodHostage - Make all hostages invincible
GodAll - Activates all above God modes
ToggleUnlimitedPractice - Mission objectives are updated but game never ends.
ToggleCollision - Allows you to walk through other actors (team, terrorists and hostages)
ToggleThreatInfo - Shows threat info
NeutralizeTerro - Neutralizes all terrorists in the level
DisarmBombs - Disarms all bombs in the level
DeactivateIODevice - Deactivate IODevice like phones, laptop (i.e.: plant a bug)
RescuteHostage - Rescue all hostages
DisableMorality - Disables morality rules
-- Terrorist Commands --
CallTerro - Calls all terrorists to your location
PlayerInvisible - Toggle player detection by terrorists
tSurrender - Makes all terrorists surrender when seen
tSprayFire - Makes all terrorists start to shoot wildly at you
tAimedfire - Makes all terrorists aim and fire at you
tRunAway - Makes all terrorists run away from you
tNoThreat - Sets all terrorists back to their original no threat state
RendSpot - Allows you to see where all terrorists have spawned on the map
-- Hostage Commands --
ToggleHostageThreat - Toggles hostages threat info
SetHPos - Sets the hostage position (0=Stand, 1=Kneel, 2=Prone, 3=Foetus, 4=Crouch, 5=Random)
ResetThreat - Resets Hostages Threat
HNA - Plays next hostage animation
HPA - Plays previous hostage animation
HP - Plays animation of hostage (0=no loop, 1=Loop)
-- Visual Changes --
ShowFOV - Shows the field of view of all actors (Teammates, Hostages, Terrorists)
GunDirection - Displays weapon direction of all actors with a laser beam
Route - Shows where terrorists and hostages have moved through out the map
RouteAll - Shows all routes that Terrorists and Hostages take (Will cause lag)
-- Kill Stuff --
KillThemAll - Kills and removes all non-player actors
KillTerro - Kills and removes all terrorists
KillHostage - Kills and removes all hostages
KillRainbow - Kills all Rainbow Operatives
MultiPlayer Commands Only
disconnect - quits the server you are in
reconnect - rejoins the last server
votekick - to start a vote to kick a player by name in the server
votekickid - to start a vote to kick a player by player id in the server
vote1 - votes yes to kick a player
vote2 - votes no to kick a player
playerlist - shows all players in server and their player id
maplist - shows a list of the map rotation
slowmo <> - changes game speed
shot - takes a screen shot of the game
hideall - hide all huds
fps - shows Frames Per Second
set input
Administration Commands
Thx Hx.
We do have a list but thats in the members areas. So you could be forgiven for not knowing that.
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
Thanks very thoughtful of you.