oh oh oh im glad you didn`t forget that Sir Spawn. A bit too many periods behind "clan birthday" for my liking though.
Next time try to throw the "Sir" in there immediately.
I don`t like the tone too much either... Try a more positive approach next time.
Valroe likes that way better. Valroe orders Spawn to hand feed him with grapes.
Thanks for all the comments guys! 2 years, wow, feels like i was thrown out fresh of the selection course yesterday.
Aaah Valroe! My recruit buddy!! I'm glad that I had the chance to know you back then. Happy second clan Birthday m8!!
Do you remember on our first day when we started a conversation in the chatbox because it felt nice to be able to use it? Then WIZ told us to keep it professional?
Happy Clan Birthday to ya Valroe! Coffee or Tea is on me!
Happy Clan Birthday Valroe!
I wish you many more to come
I'll get the beers for the party!
- He who fears death cannot enjoy life -
HCB RSM and get your self a beer on the rct's
Way to go, Valroe!
Echo (Christopher)
Happy Clan Birthday Valroe!

Commanding Officer
22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment
Its a joy to have you around Valroe.
Continue your good and honest work for our little organization, we all celebrate you today.
All here buy beer for you.
Let me cook a "kartoffel" to you insted. hehe.
Happy 2nd Clan Birthday Valorie
Your doing a great job as RSM and come very far in a short time. Remembering the times when we was both Troopers lol.
Head of Recruitment & Tactical Training
GCHQ - 22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
HCB dude!
Happy CB Valroe!!!
I wish you many more!
22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
[SAS] SeMp3r .:. SemperFy * Great Mind Think Alike *
Congratulations and Happy Clan Birthday Valroe
Happy CB Valroe. Keep up the good work.
Happy CLAN Birthday...Sir!
oh oh oh im glad you didn`t forget that Sir Spawn. A bit too many periods behind "clan birthday" for my liking though.
Next time try to throw the "Sir" in there immediately.
I don`t like the tone too much either... Try a more positive approach next time.
Valroe likes that way better. Valroe orders Spawn to hand feed him with grapes.
Thanks for all the comments guys! 2 years, wow, feels like i was thrown out fresh of the selection course yesterday.
ROFLMAO...will Grape flovoured Skittles work...Sir...?
Aaah Valroe! My recruit buddy!! I'm glad that I had the chance to know you back then. Happy second clan Birthday m8!!
Do you remember on our first day when we started a conversation in the chatbox because it felt nice to be able to use it? Then WIZ told us to keep it professional?
"Godo godo!" Lazko and his typoes image size exceeded -- click to view
Happy Clanbirthday, Valroe
DUKE, Germany
"What's the plan?
Track'em, find'em, kill'em!"