-_- Now im annoyed ive been trying for agggges to get punk buster to work cause its been a total (6 Letter word here) And i find out PB dont run on SAS servers anymore LOVELEY
Anyhow i am back, and for good hopfully this time Speak to you guys on Xfire soon and cya in the RVS Server.
P.S Im working on getting ahold of Swat 4 + Expansion,
P.P.S If anyone wish's to contact me My Xfire is "python2k7" or you can contact me Via Xbox live GT is Liamh92
Those are my 2 active messager Programs so you all know
Let the games Begin
Hey Cobra
See you in there!!!
Good to hear. I was wondering where you were hiding
Hey, we might meet ingame
Hi cobra2k7 see you ingame
(formerly known as SAS_LCpl_Hunter)
Howdy there Cobra and wb to ya.