Wow... 3 clan birthdays today
Random... 8 years... Its just to take the hat of for this guys. Thats amasing... 8 years...
Keep up the good work Random...
Timbo, 1 year. You went from trooper to SSM in one year. Thats something... keep it up
Viper, 4 years. Dont see that number to often..
Happy CB guys... the Vikings are buying the beers.....
Congratulations to all of you on your accomplishments!
Echo (Christopher)
Very Happy Clan Birthday to the three of you!
Very impressing of all!
- He who fears death cannot enjoy life -
DUKE, Germany
"What's the plan?
Track'em, find'em, kill'em!"
Happy Clan Birthday To You All!
Couple of birthdays today, cheers to yall.
But well, the first thing coming to my mind reading the 8: wow.
Just followed by a second thought: Imagine, especially the younger ones of us, what did you do 8 years ago? What did you dream of, what did you plan, what happened since then and finally, where do you stand now with all your past things?
For me, I started smoking but .. seriously.
Eight years are an huge amount of time, even if he wouldnt have done anything at all.
But he did.
So, honor to those to be honored.
Congratulations Sir
Makes me somewhat proud to able to serve under your command and your regiment, although being just a regular at all.
Gone but not forgotten.
Happy Clan Birthdays, guys!

[SAS] Veteran Chester 22nd Special Air Service - Elite Virtual Regiment
CONGRATULATIONS TO YALL !!! Happy Clan Birthdays to all of ya.
Congratulations to y'all
Commanding Officer
22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment
Congratulations and Happy Clan Birthday Random on the impressive feat! And many more to come I hope!!!
Happy Clan Birthday Timbo, only few have done it, glad to see you on the roll
Viper, Happy Clan Birthday, and hope to see you in server for some games later
Hmm, time to get the party started hehe
Happy CB, Commander-in-chief!
We will support you out from the Officer's mess later tonight...
Happy Clan Birthday ALL Three....
What a priviledge to be involved in a Group that retains Members for what seems like Generations.....
wow happy birthday guys.. rly impressing 8O
[SAS] SeMp3r .:. SemperFy * Great Mind Think Alike *
Happy CB guys!
22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
Happy CB guys
Congratulations all. Each year of passing will make you reflect on what has been acheived in the past year, and what you wish to acheive in the coming year.
Keep it up.
Now for us to reflect...
8 years as a full member of SAS, through the good, the bad and the somewhat ugly times. SAS_LtCol_Random, had a vision, a vision that has carried him, un-faltered through all of those times. To bring SAS forward from the SWAT 3 playing days, to the RVS and S4 eras, where we hosted games on members spare (and often ancient) machines. Through to 2008, where we have professional servers, professional coders; and professional members. I know Random is planning for the future now too and im sure he will continue to lead and develop SAS for another 8 years.
And for that reason....He has authorised me to use his AMEX in the bar tonight..
I wish!!..Tight bu*g*r our CO ROTFL
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
Joining Wiz in the bar.
Congrats to you all.
Random, my humble respect to you. 8! Makes me proud serving under your command.
Timbo, You have done so much in such a short time, keep it going.
Viper, dont know you and havent played wit you. But hope to see you ingame someday.
Congratulations guys.
8 Years is pretty impressive Random, Cheers to another 8