SAS 22nd Evr Main Base.
Credenhill, Hereford,
Two Weeks before 'Operation Saviour'
A man leaned over the side of his bunk to the beeping coming from the side of him he tried to open his eyes but his head felt heavy mainly from the intense training he had the day before.... he struggled to find the alarm and turn it off.... streching he gradually pulled himself from the bed and sitting up straight he wiped his eyes and sat there for a moment to gather his senses..... on the floor in front of him lay an assortment of equipment all tidily packed and ready to go..... the main sack was lighter than normal but still weighed the same as half a full grown man, no rations where packed due to them not being needed for the day ahead little did he know that he would need the rations as time went on.... next to the Assault Kit lay his army gear standard British SAS issue with a Kevler made commando vest to sit beneath his gear and protect his life..... lastly although unloaded and uncocked lay an M5 Carbine Assault Rifle, slightly smaller than the M16 rifle it has a foldable stock and shorter barrel allowing for CQB use along with less recoil under the burst.
He opened the door to the mess still in darkness and only the low mumbles coming from the some 50 officers in this specific mess could be heard, his quarters known as Block D was only one of the four Squadrons currently stationed at this Base but his was known as Delta. He walked into the cold night air showers fell through the dark cold british sky.... in the distance all that could be seen where small flashing lights in the field that ran alongside a runway barely used since the days when this base was a home to her Majesty's RAF but he knew tonight it may be used once again.
Walking east for some time he finally reached several hangars falling at the end of the runway, the farmost hangar had light breaching through the windows and as the rain became heavier he ran to the door and entered into a warm bright room and he saw a spectatular sight.
A B2 Stealth Bomber was currently being housed here and currently under modification for a secret mission he knew nothing about as he walked past it hearing talking from the far side he met smiles and a group of men he knew only to well gents from the alpha and bravo team where assorted in front of him sitting on a desk was Rasa no surprise peering at a hussler magazine and unaware of the man who had just entered the scene, 3 of the men here would be joining him on the mission this morn and where as quiet as he was, an officer known as Timbo sat at the desk rebuilding a Custom made MP5 and before he could look up and say hello a bullet bounced of his head an knocked him off his balance and a stabbing pain pierced his skull as a laugh ripped out, he looked up to see who the joker was and the to familiar grinning face of Lake looked back at him from the huge left wing of the Bomber shouting "classic" as he continued to laugh. Lake climbed down a ladder and greeted the man before slunching against a wall and sliding down to sit on the floor he looked worse for wear most likely from the night just gone where he was sure a women would have been involved along with a lot of beverage....smiling to himself Chester could have actually pictured 2 or 3 knowing him and he wasn't thinking about beers.
"So, you feel the boy is ready for this type of advanced mission do you" rang a strong voice through the room a man stood in a warm cosey large office with an array of army antiques and a mellow light ran through the room as rain thundered down outside the dark windows "I do" was the reply from the man sitting in front of him in a cow hide hand made armchair...."I believe he has shown criteria for some time and although young his advancements have merited this type of opportunity" replied the man, Wiz spoke again "he will be your responsibility Scout as a foreign relative of mine i will hold you personally responsible if the worst should happen.... do not fail him and do not fail me", Scout sat forward and replied again "failing is not a word in my dictionary Major, i will be dead before he is" and as he stood up he saluted and walked from the room as Wiz sat down behind his desk pouring a 20 year old scotch into a crystal short glass, the door closed with a thud and taking a sip he thought for a moment and the worried look on his face said more than words could.
Back in the Hangar the mood was lighter Rasa was turning his porno upside down and to different angles obviously checking out the views inside while Lake still sat on the floor yawning but now with a beer in his hand.... he must have smuggled that back into the base or maybe stole it from the Officers Mess Chester thought to himself he was sitting on top of the desk trying to keep himself awake and ready for the go once they got the go to move out.... the trip ahead consisted of an overseas flight they would be flying by Hercules to the SS Nimitz stationed on the east coast under the cover of darkness and inserting in the early hours of the morning to a southern destination of Afghanistan that was unknown at this time. The banter continued until a door shutting brought them all back to their senses walking towards them was Scout fully geared up and smile on his face Chester and another soldier known as Spawn stood up and saluted Scout as he reached them and he waived this away and spoke "at ease gentlemen, We have been given the go! ETA at 2am get your stuff, get your wits and get ready" he said with a grin another man who was sat quietly in the corner who did not salute or need to salute stood up nodding at Scout he passed him and exited the room without a word..... we will prep on the flight we have the facilities....."and Rasa for F**k sake get a room will you boy" he shouted as he was now lying on his back looking at another magazine at a fascinating angle, Rasa continued to ignore him as another man stood up to leave the room "I need to crash" spoke Lake holding his head, he walked up to Scout and embracing him as a brother linked hands and gripped speaking to his ear quietly "be safe amigo you haven't got me covering you this time" he smiled and pointing at Scout as he walked past him he also left through the door.
The flight had been pretty straight forward up to this point Chester was checking in with EL the time for Insertion and as Scout had already confirmed to him this would be 5.00am checking his watch again he could understand how this could be as they where still a while from the Carrier in which they where to land on then insert... Spawn sat in front of him and he looked wired, fully loaded and like it was his first day at school although he was a lot more confident than Chester due to his age and position within the regiment Chester had recently completed recruitment although being with the SAS from a young age, to his right sat a man who wore customized kit and was sat stroking a .45 with many accesories attached to it and full stocking kit a CQB specialist and experiences soldier known as Leon, to his left sat a man who still was very silent he was taking the time to fully camo himself and making sure he was invisible his equipment differed vastly from the rest of the team due to his position he was the designated sniper on this particular mission... an asteemed Staff Sergeant trained by Sniper from time to time throughout his time with the SAS although a superior soldier at CQB he was also very capable of taking a shot at long range his steady nerves and quick thinking was a valuable asset to Delta Team although his surname was unknown to Chester all he needed to know was they called him Noer.
Chester waited patiently he was prep'd and ready to move out but could not understand how they would be inserting in a few minutes time and he felt that he was not being told everything........the decision had been made to cut the mission shorter than was originally planned and they would be entering hot and taking the fight to the enemy the objective is to get in to a fortified outpost between a military base for the Al Queada and several civilian villages nearby to steal a laptop containing valuable information of Terrorist Operatives outside of the Middle East. Scout reappeared from the cockpit and pointed at the team calling "strap up guys it is time"...... Chester stared at Scout as he walked over and grabbed his pack and threw it behind him holding another sack his chucked this to him and turned speaking out loud "Welcome to the SAS Chester, your regiment name should tell you all you need to know", Chester took a closer look at the pack thrown at him and swallowed for second realising it was a parachute.....they would be parachuting to the insertion point in a few minutes time he hastened to attach the pack to his body and make sure it was secure. "Where going dark" was the call from the cockpit as Scout picked up his G36 and walked to the shutter on the side of the hercules.. the air was rocky as this plane was not used to be flying at this low alititude they will be diving from the most rear door on the plane due to the engines being centrally positioned on this type of aircraft....suddenly the lights went out then Infrared kicked in seconds later, all Chester could see was darkness and a dim red light........"ok guys we have 30 seconds till ETA stay together remember your training and operating procedures we meet on the floor and check trackers if the worst should happen, nobody gets left behind" spoke Scout "You ok son" he whispered to Chester as a nod confirmed he was ready and they each attached their block straps to the top rail of the aircraft roof in a line waiting to dive Chester being 4 out of the 5 to jump Scout waiting till last.....he could hear beeping as the side door opened and pressure filled his ears the sound was deafening at this speed but still one after another they left Leon, Spawn, Noer and them himself he stood at the exit looking through the clouds rushing past below as he took a deep breath he unlocked his strap and before he had a chance to jump he felt a strong push behind he naval..... Scout had pushed him as he knew his legs where frozen.... for a second he thought he had stopped in mid air but then he was sucked at an intense speed behind the plane and plummeted through the gradually lightening sky to the floor below...... he could see small specks around him knowing the other 3 where close by he moved into a diving position and as the new member of the SAS fell to earth he pulled the cord just under his arm and what happened next was not written in the rule books .
"Chester!" ..... "Chester!" somebody was calling his name he ached all over and tried to open his eyes looking down he could see his feet hanging in mid air and below the forest floor of a tree that he was caught in, he looked at the parachute above him and several ropes where still tangled up but where holding him in the tree unable to move..... "Chester!" can you hear me a call could be heard from nearby as he went to reply several gunshots hit the air and he knew all was not ok.... pulling his Pocket knife from the front of his kit he started to cut through the ropes as he continued to do this until he was down to the last one he forgot his current position and the parachute gave way dropping him several metres to the floor and his gun and sack fell on top of him, holding his leg that he fell on Chester gathered his belongings as more gunfire could be heard to his east.....a voice could also be heard calling his name but he could not tell where from, as he climbed to his feet bending down to pick up his gun he heard movement in front of him and pulling up the barrel to point to the where sounds had come from he looked around and could not see anything there, aiming high he moved forwards towards the treeline still listening to gunfire and shouting now a call could be heard much nearer to him "Noer!! get out of there now fall back, LEON...CHESTER" he knew this was Scouts voice and he knew that he would not be shouting and giving away his position if all was going to plan his voice was coming from the west of him, as he was starting calm and remember his training his next move was a big mistake....he knelt down and immediately saw movement next to him.......before he could turn to see what awaited him a thud hit him out of nowhere a sharp pain seared through his head and his body fell to the floor motionless......
" Iz dis the boy he wanted " came a voice with a strong Eastern Accent......" no dis is not the one but bring him anyway " replied a man with a much deeper voice and stronger accent, Chester was carried into the forest and vanished from sight only the sounds of burst rounds pinging and hitting the trees in all directions could be heard and the desperate calls from Scout as he continued to shout for the missing soldiers of the SAS Delta Team.................
If a million people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing. Anatole France [Jacques Anatole Thibault] (1844-1924)
You made it yet ninja LOL
If a million people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing. Anatole France [Jacques Anatole Thibault] (1844-1924)
Good job, very interesting.
[SAS] Veteran Chester 22nd Special Air Service - Elite Virtual Regiment
Chester you may surprise us all in the next chapter 8O
If a million people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing. Anatole France [Jacques Anatole Thibault] (1844-1924)
Noooooo!!!!!!! Chester!!!!!!! We'll get you Buddy!! You sure know how to capture an audience Dallers. These storys are fantastic.
Noli Mi Tangere!!! Don't Tread On Me!!!
Just getting starting mate dont you worry!
If a million people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing. Anatole France [Jacques Anatole Thibault] (1844-1924)