Chapter 4. The Long and Winding Road to Extraction

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Last seen: 15 years 2 months ago
Chapter 4. The Long and Winding Road to Extraction

........."DUKE"............."DUKE can you hear me!!".........ringing all he could hear was ringing and the dull calls of someone close by......he couldnt move his back ached as if he had been run over and his vision blurred...everything had slowed down, he looked straight ahead at the pile of rubble in front of him and could vaguely make out the person lying underneith it was Rouge out cold and not moving.....he looked right to see who had been calling his name and he saw Rasa trying to wake up Timbo out cold on the floor behind him as he continued to call his name "Duke! We need Medic NOW". His surroundings began to come back to him for a moment and lifting himself forward his chest on fire from the fragmentations that had hit him square in the torso he shouted as loud as he could "MEDIC"!! but hardly anything left his mouth he fell to the floor in front of him holding his chest as he heard Rasa shout from his right still the sound dull in his ears.

"Man Down"......"Medic"!!!Rasa called as loud as he could and he returned to try and find life in Timbo still lying motionless...Duke tried to stand and he nearly fell but then was caught under the arm and was lowered to the floor... as he looked up he saw the face of Medic looking back at him panic stricken over his face.... he did not say a word as he ran to Rasa who was still trying to recover Timbo... looking left at that moment Wiz and Spidey ran into view heads down as gunfire broke out behind them they stared in awe at the sight that lay in front of them, without hesitation they ran forward and tried to pull the rubble from the trapped Rouge who was still out cold beneath the wall that led to Officers mess next to them. Time continued to pass by as Wiz and Spidey hauled Rouge from the rubble surrounding him pulling him clear and laid him down, Medic checked his vitals and started to tend to his wounds Rouge was clearly alive but in a critical condition....Timbo had now woken up but was still trying to regain his balance...."what happened" asked Wiz as he pulled Duke to his feet still feeling sick but now regaining his senses, " it happened so fast" he replied..."door blew open and the grenade hit the wall..i jumped back and took the main blast luckily the heavy kept me alive but unfortunetely didnt protect Alpha standing near the opposite... i blacked out and woke up on the floor thats all i can remember" as Duke tried to catch his breath behind them Big and Lake entered the alleyway and covered the front and rear using the alley as cover "Hangar 2 is clear we've taken down the tangos... just saw JB and Scout enter the final Hanger Boss" called Big to the group of soldiers looking worse for wear behind them... " copy that " replied Spidey as he caught Wiz's eye he noticed something... something was not right, at that moment as Spidey checked his equip Wiz bent down and muttered " i need to speak to you now in private " and Spidey immediately stood up and walked to the edge of the alleyway knowing that there was more to this scene than met the eye.

Medic continued to bandage Rouge as he started to regain consiouseness and Timbo sat on the floor his back to the officers mess trying to regain his focus he had only minor injuries from the blast but could not start to explain the pain that was searing through his head.... he looked right and saw the outlines of two men standing at the end of the Alleyway to his right with raised voice it seemed like they where arguing!?!, to the left Big and Lake where holding their positions covering the six and awaiting orders... suddenly the voices grew much louder to the right and he heard Spidey shout at Wiz " This is no time to discuss this! Get to the hangar now! if what you know is true then trust what you know! "then silence... Wiz walked slightly back down the alleyway and called to Timbo " get your stuff... your coming with me " he hastened his command and rose to his feet picking up his equip he walked down the end of the alleyway as Wiz did the same ready to move out... " Lets go" called Wiz and as the two men walked off toward the north and to the hangar where the prize was held he stopped and turned looking at Spidey....Wiz only spoke once more " do not wait for us my friend get to the extraction and get the hell out of here, if what i know IS true then pray we meet again " with a nod he turned and walked through the darkness past the wall that Duke and Rouge had entered the scene, Timbo taking one last look at Spidey nodding he followed Wiz north without a sound.

Spidey ran back down the alleyway and met Medic finishing off the treatment to Rouge who still looked in a sorry state.... Spidey knelt down and grabbed his hand " you hang in their soldier where moving out " as Spidey went to stand up Medic grabbed his arm and looked dead at him " Im not stupid Spidey, he said " as Spidey gave him his full attention " ...easy approach and infiltration for both teams only to find 3 men in the mess and only one Officer waiting for us with a grenade.... they knew we where coming and whatever you know i dont need to hear it but we need to get out of here NOW before its too late ".... Spidey did not reply to this but looked down at the floor as a flashing green light caught his eye and he could hear somebody talking through a Tac Comm on the floor next to him " Sniper to Lead Pick up, repeat Sniper to Lead pick up " Spidey grabbed the headset and thrust it onto his head " Lead here what do you see ", " Ive got 2 armoured vehicles and 7 visible tangos on foot half a click out to the south and they are moving in fast Sir " called Sniper... " copy that soldier hold your position and wait for further orders " Spidey immediately took control of the situation he was Lead and he knew exactly what he had to do.... " Medic i need you to get Rouge to the Secondary LZ, i will try and communicate with Base to request an emergency pick up take the east side south and follow the hill line a click south of our position and wait for us there is that clear " Spidey said sternly " Completely " replied Medic " Good, leave the diversion to us he said smiling ". Rouge handed his gun to duke and duke fastened the Shotgun to his back holster, duke had now disposed of the spent heavy armour although he could not have moved with it on in his current form, Medic helped Rouge to his feet and supporting him with his Shoulder slowly walked back down the alleyway as Wiz had done moments befoe but turned Right instead of Left to follow the path to the south and they where gone from view....

Spidey and Duke met with Big and Lake at the end of the alley....nobody spoke as Spidey began to confirm their orders " Us 5 are now Alpha team and i dont care what Wiz said we cannot allow the reinforcements to reach them before they complete the mission, its upto us to stop them " he recieved agreements from the 3 men with him... " Duke i want you to support the flank and move round the rear your unarmoured so stay in cover and once the shit hits the fan do what you can remebering that your gonna be shooting towards us so steady your aim "... " copy that " replied Duke, " Big and Lake we need to lay down claymores at the entrance 5 each along the entrance path to the south, we will hold our position to the left and lay down fire with Sniper above us and Duke at the rear this should be no problem for us right! " ... " right " replied the three " good, steady your aim have no fear and on my command we move out as fast as we can and head a click south to meet up with Medic and Rouge and extract from LZ B ".... Spidey looked down at the Tac radio he was holding and released the button " you get all that Sniper ".... " Yes Sir " he replied, " Then lets move " Spidey called.

Duke vanished past the wall to the Mess still smoking from the C4 charges and no sounds could be heard from the four men left of Bravo team somewhere in the hangars behind them, Spidey quickly illiminated this thought from his mind as he knew he must stay focused, Spidey moved left and took position on the left flank he looked up and recieved an acknowlegment from Sniper as he signed to confirm that the tangos where only a hundred yards out, Spidey kept covering the south as Big and Lake finished placing their claymores just as lights could be seen flickering to the southern road and voices could be heard in the near distance. Big and Lake rushed to the left flank and lying in a prone position together the three men fell silent, head down and waiting.........a roar of an engine approached and within a minute figures could be seen through the night sky approaching in the beam of the units front lights... spidey counted 7 men in total all armed with AK47's and approaching with haste but only one vehicle.... they kept their heads down and waited as the rumble slowed as it neared the entrance gate and they could have obviously noticed the smoke billowing from the Mess just inside the main gate to the left, shouts could be heard and the engine revved up and the floor rumbled..... within in a second it all but happened a deafening explosion followed by 4 more clicking sounds and bangs echoing through the night sky screams and shouting called from the injured tangos scattered around the vehicle.... a crack hit the sky and thud as a body hit the floor just over the mound where they lay taken down by Sniper's Rifle, Spidey gave the order and they crouched taking aim and burst rounds flew towards the retreating soldiers... 2 men where dropped in the first burst and 1 man covering behind the vehicle on fire let off a round nearly missing Spideys leg as it shot up mud hitting the floor next to him...he aimed and shot off two rounds one hitting the targets arm and a scream echoed as the man fell forward from his cover with a knife sticking from his back silently applied by the right flanker.... finally Spidey looked upwards as a second crack hit the sky and dark figure dropped to the south of them in the moonlight Sniper had taken down the final retreating tango and now it was time to move... without a sound Spidey gave the signal to move out and they did not need telling twice.

Sniper came running up behind them following the left flank missing the remaining claymores in place at the entrance, Bravo team would not be in danger spidey thought to himself... they would not be coming back this way and hopefully the explosives would cover the entrance if any other tangos tried to enter the base, as the 5 men sprinted southwards towards the LZ Sniper called to Spidey ahead of him " there where 2 vehicles EL im sure of it "... Spidey did not reply but took this into account as they continued to run and where soon starting to feel the effects of the rough terrain spidey knowing they where only half way there...... they stopped exhausted in the middle of a field and Duke fell to the floor feeling the effects of the earlier explosion and the fatigue was setting in..... Big turned to spidey trying to catch his breath and shouted at him " i wanna know what is going on NOW" Spidey looked at him and did not reply " Big proceded in his argument... we are not stupid and we will follow you to the bitter end but we want to know why where really out here this was suppose to be a rescue mission " he shouted... " It is a rescue mission and i am sorry that you have not been kept informed but i needed you all to stay focuses on the mission at hand, ... the package has been moved to an unknown encampment to the east... Wiz recieved comms from Base but it was after we had touched down he could not communicate with us to change the plans and so we had to follow suit..... " replied spidey a slight shakiness in his voice trying to persuade Big and the other men this was the truth... Sniper sat down and in silence listened to the question that was bound to come at this moment.... " the package, who is it " spoke Lake in a weak voice towards his leader.... "....... Chester....... he was captured during a secret mission for the regiment... Noer, Leon and Spawn managed to evac but chester was taken hostage and they where unable to save him! that is all i know! That is the TRUTH! we are here to save him at any cost! " the three men fell silent lying in a field as the sun began to rise and light began to bring them back to their senses as to where they were... " I can answer your questions but first we need to..... " Spidey froze as he saw a glimmer in the trees towards the village from where they came a thud in the distance was all that could be heard as Spidey fell to the floor and a high calibre bullet ripped through the air above the cowering soldiers 2 more rounds issued from towards the village and figures where appearing from the the tree line they where still half a click to the extraction and where pinned down.... " Leave it Leave everything Run, RUN NOW " shouted Spidey as the 5 men sprinted south and did not stop as the sound of gunfire could be heard behind them.... Duke felt the pain the worst he ran until his legs where on fire with pain and did not stop.......

Spidey sprinted south with the 4 men he had just confessed to running beside him he listened as Big twelve started shouting to someone as they ran "

"Alpha to base!!" I repeat "Alpha to Base, the package is hot we have come under fire from the west and further reinforcements have arrived we are proceeding to the secondary LZ for extraction I Repeat!! The package is hot please respond!!"

"This is Charlie Delta 26 we are currently 2 clicks east of your secondary LZ we are checking cover for land down and extraction should be with you in shortly hold tight"... was the response....

Spidey could not speak he had no energy but to run as he heard a familiar voice a fellow officer replied through Big's Tac Radio "Big can you hear me......"Valroe called.......

...."Yes Sir i can hear you" Big Shouted as he ran.....

" you have 2 choppers heading for the Secondary LZ ETA 30 minutes you and Bravo team need to move out NOW"....

"Copy that Sir.. the package is being held a click east of our primary position, Bravo Team have proceeded onto the primary objective Sir we have not had contact with them since they left" Big Replied again......

The final words where spoken by Valroe before all that could be heard was static..."I hear ya Trooper keep your head down and stay alive..Charlie Team OUT".

They had left the soldiers behind them but did not stop they ran for the treeline as Spidey confirmed to the men that they were nearly there...... the sun was rising and light hurt their eyes as the sounds of an engine... the sounds of a machine could be heard in the field ahead of them the wonderful sound of a chopper and with this the men sped up hope rushing through them, they dashed through the treeline nearly tripping as they did and jumped through the other side into the field the men stopped they fell to their knees and Duke fell to the floor unconscious... Spidey looked ahead to see two American made Black Hawk Helicoptors engines running at Idle with Marines standing in front of them spotted through the field awaiting their arrival.... a man ran up to Spidey followed by several marines and helped him to his feet.... Lt Michael Murphy of the 42nd Marine Corp at your service Sir and saluted him, Spidey couldnt help but smile at the man standing in front if him.....

Spidey and the 4 SAS soldiers where lifted, carried and stretchered to the awaiting extraction as Spidey sat on board the helicoptor moments later he looked down to his right and saw a sedated Rouge strapped to a stretcher and a drip in his arm and he was overcome with relief that Medic had made it to the LZ.... The blades increased in power and Black Hawk lifted and began to tilt forward... Spidey looked left and caught Big's eye in the chopper next to him for a moment he saw a look of honour and respect before the chopper tilted to the right and Spidey looked across the skyline of the village of Del Rawad.... an explosion caught his eye in the distance and smoke plummeted into the air..... he thought to himself that the last of the claymores did their job and smiled although still not knowing how his friends where doing he swallowed and spoke out loud....

" God Speed My Brothers "

If a million people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing. Anatole France [Jacques Anatole Thibault] (1844-1924)

Last seen: 16 years 8 months ago

muey bueno......very very good....I just wish there was more.But Wonderful job M8. Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin

Last seen: 15 years 2 months ago

MORE !? lol man give me a break its 3.30am here lol im off to sleep!

I would say half way there though guys 3/4 more chapters unless i can work out a way of concluding the story!


If a million people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing. Anatole France [Jacques Anatole Thibault] (1844-1924)

Last seen: 11 years 9 months ago

Once Again....You've beaten Yourself there Dallers

Keep it up and Ill have a Publisher contacting you to make this in bookstores here in America Wink

Last seen: 16 years 8 months ago

I have Copyrights....<------- waving papers i paid for vigorously.

Last seen: 15 years 1 month ago

Dallers must be Tom Clancy undercover on our site :idea:

Last seen: 15 years 2 months ago

:? Caught me! Lol Actually im his nephew Wink

If a million people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing. Anatole France [Jacques Anatole Thibault] (1844-1924)

Last seen: 15 years 1 month ago

Good writing there dallers.
You are truly a skilled writer.
