This probably only applies to Americans, because we're the only ones stupid enough to change a fullproof system for something as dumb as this.
School Systems around the country are attempting to change the first four letters of the alphabet, A, B, C, and D (for the school weary), to make it have less Christian relation. I know what your thinking! They are removing it because of B.C. (Before Christ), B.E.F (I think, they rambled on about those letters), and some other conglomerations of abbreviations. And let me be the first to say, I will drill the real alphabet into my child's head out of spite for the system being so stupid. Screw stupid **** like that, pardon my language, but I'm sick of the majority getting canned because of an induvidual's rights.
And most Americans know what I mean, like taking "Under God" out of the Pledge of Alliegence. One aethiest (ONE)!!! went to the supreme court and got that changed. :mad:
But I digress
And if anyone can tell me how to get my BF2 stats on the forums like WIZ, that'd be nice.
I cannot fathom that the Lord has blessed us with logic and rationality and have us forgo their use.
It's amazing how religion and Battlefield 2 (killing) can bring us all together. Maybe I'll start a church...
Sorry guys but only the US would change a language because of Religeon.
Btw the Sig like mine can be made at
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
I love my country, but some times we need a good swift kick in our behind.
Changing the alphabet is the most stuipid idea ever.
I thought the thing about wingdings font supporting hitler e.t.c was humoris but this one takes the tommally.
A.B.C. Alpha Bravo Charley, now whose up for taking that hill !!!
I say if JESUS CHRIST was good enough for the USofA in 1776 he's good enough for her in 2006 ! Under the documents that lead this nation into freedom you have the right to worship how and whom ever you want, and it dosn't say I cannot give thanks to my LORD, nore the man next to me give thanks to Budda or what ever his Faith decrees just because some one dosn't like it.
See, I may be an aethist, but I still don't really care about God being in the pledge of allegiance. Although the word God was added in the 1950s. It doesn't affect me any way. I can choose to not say the word.
And spidey, only a kick in our behind? I have doubts about the entire human race after seeing some of the idiots this world puts out.
Is this a joke? I'm missing something here.
ye im atheist but because muslims and that come to england we now cant call christmas lights christmas lights because its too christian come on! were a christian country im guna tel my kids to call em christmas lights because wers the fun in ooo better put the clebebratery lights up for santa! come on !
That Which Does No Kill Us, Makes Us Stronger!
Theres no such thing as a bad idea, just bad execution!
Well, atleast we're all on the same page
I cannot fathom that the Lord has blessed us with logic and rationality and have us forgo their use.
Thats why they have those darwin arwads don't they Fury?
I know what you mean Antz, down in Georgia Lows had the same thing with Christmas Trees. They had to call them "Holiday Trees" I heard people would walk in, and walk out again to get a "Christmas Tree" else wheres.
I don't see the big deal, if it's their thing to do one thing while another does what his path leads to who cares? Mr C should be free to light his oversized object just the same as Mr J his sensible sized one. Any any one else who wants to light something that won't burn the town down should to if it's a holiday.
For a while down here you couldn't even get sparkers for the 4th due to "Fire hazards" lol.
Eermm... this topic has lost me for quite a while now. Any reference on that alphabet change?
A is now pronounced Alphabeta
B is now bubbles and we dnt have cdef anymre
and G is now pronounced GULLABLE
That Which Does No Kill Us, Makes Us Stronger!
Theres no such thing as a bad idea, just bad execution!
Yeah, unfortunately for many people, democracy has failed with the institution of the word "Constitutional". Because of this, the majority no longer rules what goes on in their country (which, by the way, is what a democracy is). One person can change ANYTHING they want if it has something to do with religion, and they can prove that they have a problem with it. But changing Christmas tree to Holiday tree is stupid all together. A christmas tree is for Christmas, a Christian Holiday. The holiday is based on Jesus, so whats next, calling Christmas Holiday day?
Oh, and WIZ, I can't find out where to get that BF2 stat thing, and it looks to confusing for me to make it.
I cannot fathom that the Lord has blessed us with logic and rationality and have us forgo their use.