I fill out all the information and press Submit but then a white page comes up that says i was using an invalid domain and that i should look at "sensationdomains" or something close to that for help......anybody know what this means? I accessed the application form through the Join feature on the front of this webpage... Any help is appreciated as i would love to join your clan
Can't post an application...
Mon, 16/07/2007 - 02:08
Can't post an application...
If you can, please copy the exact message.
We are looking into this matter, thank you for noticing it !!!
Applications seem to work fine for me. I have even cured the black screen issue
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
I tried again and it still didn't go through with the operation. Instead I see a blank white page with this message across it.
Error: Invalid Referer
You are accessing this script from an unauthorized domain!
Powered by EZ FormMail. Get it free from http://www.sensationdesigns.com!
Any ideas? Is it because I have tried it more than once that it has locked me out from the process? If so, is there an alternative way that I may apply?
I'm sorry about all the questions, I'm just a bit frustrated at this problem. Any help would be awesome. Thanks for your time!