I purchased a couple days ago Rainbow six 3:Gold Edition that contains raven shield and athena sword. I installed raven shield and athena sword. Raven Shield is working well but, on athena sword, all the sounds that are new in the expansion such has the noise of the new weapons and the voices of the planning in the campaigns don't work. All other sounds are working. I tried to reinstall athena sword and it didn't work. The rest of the game is working well.
My rig:
Motherboard: asus P5N-E SLI
Graphic card: GeForce 8800 GTX
Memory: 2 GB corsair 5-5-5-12
All my drivers are up to date and I have directX 9.0c installed.
Any help will be appreciate.
22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
Can anyone help?
Answer is: NO

Nick, check for any patches on FilePlanet for Athena Sword, I remember seeing several..
I hope your wrong medic I asked to ubisoft support team and the guy told me first that it was my audio driver the problem, then I respond to him It's up to date. After he told me it was my graphic card the problem 8O !!!!
22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
See? UBI coulndt help you.... now thats a supprise.... :roll:
In my experience UBI's help system, will only help you if you can't insert the disk into the drive. Most times I've visited them, I usually found the answer before they ever got through the "routine".
Note well, Athena Sword like Raven Shields Windows version does not support new things.
RvS = 98/ME/2000/XP ONLY, GeForce 2-4600 / RADEON 7500-9700, on a single core CPU -> everything else and YMMV, and they can refuse to support you!
Of course though, RvS/IW runs acceptible on a lot of other configs... hehe; AS should do likewise
My first thought is to re-install AS.
Then read this thread:
It might help you.
I strongly advice you to take a copy or a backup of your Red Storm catalog, just incase nothing works after you have tryed something.