hi all Soldier And Soldier (SAS)
I is back sorry for looooong time not entered in GAME and here
I had a car accident in ...[[[month]]]... I have been in hospital,
now I feel well but some time my head is turned :eek:
My army was covered, i not like that but there is nothing will to do
I am very happy to see all of here
P.S. Damn i forgot english :sick:
Shalom, Jana!
Welcome back! We have been worried for you after your car accident, and have fortunately enough received intelligence suggesting that you will be all right again.
Don't spend too many hours online untill you are restituted, rested and recovered.
I am sorry to hear about your car accident, I hope you are fully well soon.
See you in the server.
Shalom, Wonderful to hear from you!
Salam habibi (is it habibi or habiti.. Sorry my Arabic language isn't that good).
Welcome back Jana nice to hear you got out ok.
Long is the word! wb!
Glad to hear you are doing fine now. Remember 'what does not destroy us, makes us stronger'
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
Welcome back! glad to hear you are doing fine. I hope to see you on the server
Whe did have some intell why u where off line.(car acident)(MI6 is still working fine :tongue:)
We hope all is fine now and that you can game enjoy yourself.
Feel free to jion a server now and then.
Best regards,
Hey Jana, be careful down there.
Hey Jana Big Bugger to the Situation in your country.
But if and when you are go back to duty I hope (form pictures you sent (motorized artillery)) that you will be in the rear with the gear (some 80 Kay’s behind front line…if there is a line).
You take care, stay alert and stay Lowe
SAS_Ghost_fka_Sergeant. First. Class (Danish army JDR (Jydske Dragonregiment (armored scout) retired but and in the Reserves