I fiqure since more and more of us are getting into BF we should list our playings habbits somewhere. Feel free to use this to schedule SAS get togethers or just let us know where to find you.
I like the insomnia365 wake24/7 server and float around looking for good urban servers. I check in on the WT servers in the evening(EST7-10) and will fool around alone for 10 minutes so far haven't seen anyone there but hopefully i will soon.
I like any server with a low ping... since the PB keeps kicking me for ping spiking...
I really liked playing on UK Warfare... until some hacks P'd me off.
My best games ever were the ones on WT... its a smaller server... but they dont tollerate smacktards... not in the least.
I play mainly at night... and sometimes in the day... the time I want to play is around my supper time... cause that is the only time I can see our members accross the pond... but alas, family concerns prevent that... for now.
Basically if your looking to play... get on our TS... or leave a message in Chat Box... thats what I do when I have joined the WT TS server.
I aint real good at it.. but I have fun.
[color=yellow][SAS] 22nd E.V.R. - SAS_VET_EN4CER /[color] Virtus Disciplina Unitas
I am hooked on BF2. Lately, I have been playing Armour Fury. I try to keep my xfire on to show where I am, but lately, no one seem interested in BF 2, so I don't have that or TS on. I will start again with xfire and TS. I usually check the WT server as well.
I am not great at the game, but it is sooooooooo fun.
SAS_VET_Centurion. And that is my $.02 Cdn. worth!!! Just because I am 51, does not mean I am old!
I play vanella BF2 (no exp packs) on urban'ish maps most times. I aim for 32-64 player servers, some times ones with China maps just for some fun in the fields.
When I play BF2 it's usually several hours ether in the GMT evening through/and/or early morning.
But I don't play it allot, AAO has been after me as have several other games when I'm not playing on our servers (my primary gaming time).
Really I don't do allot of gaming out side [SAS] any more :nerd:
I just bought it, just IM me and chances are Ill play.
Still pretty bad at the game.
Hey hop onto WT servers about 10 - 11 english time because thats when i see most of the guys playing i dont own bf2 but there always in there on teamspeak
That Which Does No Kill Us, Makes Us Stronger!
Theres no such thing as a bad idea, just bad execution!
as and when the craving requires!!
P.S Xfire doesnt seem to show games that accuratly, Yesterday it told me that nobody was playing BF2, so i joined UKWF, and low and behold there was Relish,Recon,Fox and Eagle all in the same server, Weird
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
X-Fire can lag a bit on that, but they usually work on the "pop culture" when doing changes/updates.
X-Fire has become a bit unstable for me, I wish I had the skills to write a IM Client that supported X-Fires network and could replace it's feature set. (The only client I know of that supports X-Fire is Gaim via plugin, which only does not do in game chat on the users side.)
I couldnt agree with you more xfire has booted me off my isp at times, im thinking of jacking xfire in completely.
I'm wondering if any of the GPL code written from the gaim plugin still works
I have just purchased Special forces, so as soon as its delivered i will be the unlock kid!!
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
I often play on =ESU= Kubra dam server (ip I play there because Kubra dam is my favorite map, but if I feel like any other maps I on UKWF server or any other server.
And she has arrived
.... SAS go go go!!
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
I just got BF2 (no ext pack) what version do I need to have, to play with you all ?????
BF2 super Noob SAS_Ghost
Download the 438 MB big patch.
B****x. Now I probably have to buy that game too... I did the demo -- a walking disaster in the game, and an experienced helicopter crasher... :smokin:
hehe buy it and prepare to learn my son
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
Well I can say after one week whit BF2 running and gunning, I'm tired and I'll probaly start playing RvS on daily basis again. I just needed some fresh air. :smokin:
thats why you pick a soldier class and stick to it. I mainly choose pilot, Sniper or SF so that i dont have to run 'n' gun everywhere. I try to stay in contact with my team, and its nice when your a sniper and you have a proper spotter with bino's
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
Hey again just so that I will get it straight…I have BF2 and to update my game to BF 2 version 1.3 All I have to do, is to download patch 1,3….I don’t have to download and install all the patches before this 1,3 patch ???????
That is what i did and it worked fine.
Am I correct in saying that if you have the exp pack you get double the unlocks?
ok to start with Ghosts question..
It depends on whether you get the full patch, or the incremental. Both are fairly explanatory. The full one is what you need. Incremental takes it from 1.22 to 1.3 only.
Relish, yeh u get an unlock for each pack that you have installed. When unlocks are issued of course, Choose wisely; my advice is to pick the weakest weapon of what you use. So far i unlocked..
M95 Barrett
Scar -L
Mk3 Jackhammer
And i like them all
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
Breif run down of unlocks.
G36C, High Power Sniper Ranged CQB Carbine for SpecOps class.
G3A3, High power moderate accuracy 7.62x51mm AR for Assault class. Hand grenades replaces grenade launcher.
L85A1, Scoped moderate accuracy Medics rifle. Worthless on full auto but accurate with slow single shots from the scope.
PKM, high powered Support class LMG, used to be highly accurate but probably no longer a prone+snipe style LMG.
M95, Sniper classes bolt action .50Cal. Can penitrate chopper glass, has slightly more power then M24 giving it a greater probablity on 1shot body kills (in my hands). Scope is good for bullet drop but thick bars make long distance sniping harder.
DAO-12, Auto-Shotty for Anti-Tank class. Takes forever to reload but kicks the bucket at CQB dispite it's week shots.
Pancor M3A1 "Jackhammer" Semi-Auto shotty for Engineer class, simular to above.
SCAR-L SpecOp class rifle with red-dot scope, good accuracy/power. 5.56x45mm version of a SF designed weapon.
L96A1 Accuracy Internationl sniper class rifle. Very accurate with wire thin scope - very popular and well suited for *NBVR Sniping
FN F2000: Assault Class rifle with hoky SciFi corsshair scope & grenade launcher. Feels like a P90 blown up to a AR & rechambed for 5.56x45mm.
MG36: Support classes LMG version of the Rifle36 family. It's 3roundburst/auto options make it very deadly.
MP7 PDW for engineer class. Only 20rounds but quite powerful / fairly accurate.
G36E for Medic, a export version of the full sized G36 rifle it is very deadly and supports single/burst fire.
P90 for Anti-Tank class, still rocks for a small fast 5.7x21mm SMG.
*Nearly Beyond Visual Range
If you have BF2/BF2SF you get double unlocks. For example I unlocked the M95 and L96A1 in the same unlock:)
And thats why we should start playing on unranked servers, then all weapons will be unlocked.
Try check this website out..
The G3 is the most powerful assault rifle in the game, so I chosed that one as my first unlocked weapon.
Shots to kill non armor: 3
Shots to kill armor: 4
The G3A3 is one of my favorite unlocks, not as accurate as an AK101 but more punch then M16. And hand grenades are some times better then 40mm. (i.e. chuck over walls.)
I've never played unranked servers, but then again I actually prefer Stanard weapons over unlocks ! hehehe.
BF2 and it's ranking system, patching cycle, expansion/booster packs e.t.c. are all geared to keep you paying and playing (in reverse order) as long as EA can milk it for.
i like the whole franchise of it, the patches were not a problem for me, some glitches with joining servers but nothing like Vivendi's POS.
The game has a huge following, things could be better but such is life.
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
That is currently my favourite weapon.
I am getting pretty good with it as well.
It is a good feeling when some one is sprinting along and you blow there head off.
I am pretty much a coward, a correct shot with this means they can not fire back.
I enjoy playing just about any role in BF2... but getting a good sniper kill makes me smile ever so...
I have actually managed to get a Chopper Pilot Kill with one shot... while the chopper was in the air... I lucked out... the Pilot... put the bird into a hover... to allow the WISO time to target and shoot... that was just long enough for me to aquire his head... with the M95 and BANG.. he slumped over at the stick...
The WISO never realized he was in a death trap.. until it was too late... the chopper pitched and banked into some trees and down she went... big ball of flames...
Nothing has made me feel as good since...
[color=yellow][SAS] 22nd E.V.R. - SAS_VET_EN4CER /[color] Virtus Disciplina Unitas
i always keep an eye on that, i usually have 1 finger on the 'change position key' so that i can jump into the hotseat quickly, go back and pick him up. When hovering for flags i do a circuit of the area first and check for obvious sniper locations.
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
I didn't mean to turn this topic to favorite kits/vehicles/methodologies. Just provide some information to prosective players who might take interest.
Sorry Noah.
hummmmmmmm.............Every time Sas_Sgt._En4cer and me play we get mad because it seems like they are cheating :alien: :alien:
John 15:13 Greater love has no one than this, that they lay down their life for their friends.