OK on Oct. 17,2006. This game somes out ok.I was wondering what yall think about the previews ok and here is something for you to get there to see some previews but first here is the web sit for you{http://battlefield2142.ea.com/battlefield/bf2142/battlefieldnews.aspx}
Yes Yes i know it is long and if you want the short way just type in http://www.ea.com then go to gamefinder and type in Battlefield 2142.
ok time for the previews ok but once again screenshots comes first{http://battlefield2142.ea.com/battlefield/bf2142/screenshots.aspx} tagain the esy way is the http://www.ea.com go to game finder and tyoe in battlefield then go to media and click on screenshots ok and movies are also right there to ok so if it helps you clicking on it i will bring that on here{http://battlefield2142.ea.com/battlefield/bf2142/movies.aspx} and now to find some trailers oh yea if you want to know what the viechels and the maps look like go under game information there to ok now time for the trailers ok when you get to this page you have to scroll down and look on the right for recent footage or recent movies about it ok here it is the web page {http://www.gamespot.com/pc/action/battlefield2142/news.html?sid=6157088} have fun and rember kids stay in schoold hope you in joy
John 15:13 Greater love has no one than this, that they lay down their life for their friends.
sorry if you can not click to get there but hey atleast there is copy and paste
John 15:13 Greater love has no one than this, that they lay down their life for their friends.
Well I suscribed to the veteran program. It allows you to have a reserved name on BF2142 and gives you a starting rnak and weapon. It's given to BF2 veterans. So after doing that i have no choice, I must play it
smart tactic from EA indeed!
"Godo godo!" Lazko and his typoes image size exceeded -- click to view
The only reason I have to get BF2142 is to drive a 'Mech.
I don't care much for Sci-Fi FPS games, although Halo on Legdary was fun till I got bored.
Yeah i'm in as is my friend who has yet to reveal himself on the clan forums.
The game in my opinion looks nice and considering I am getting a new video card in the next week or so, the game should look all prettyful and flashy as well.