Back In The Day

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Last seen: 16 years 3 months ago
Back In The Day

I got curious, as is my nature, and went back to see my very first post. I recall saying how eager I was to get into Swat training or something, and needless to say, kinda fell into RvS, despite other setbacks. Closing in on my first year around too.
Heres a link to the post. I believe Spidey says, "Yo" if I remember correctly.

I dug up Spidey's too, a little less embarrassssing I must say.

And now that I think of it, I can't remember how I even came to find the dang server.

I cannot fathom that the Lord has blessed us with logic and rationality and have us forgo their use.

Last seen: 4 years 11 months ago

Dang I remember that thread well including those funky lines! :oops: and I see how true some of the comments where in retrospect.

I don't know what brought you to the training grounds langley but I am glad you've stuck around, good things are bound to happen to the diligent Smile

I think my grammer might've improved since then......

Last seen: 4 years 8 months ago

It most certainly has Spidey.

And you're right, good things are bound to happen.

Last seen: 16 years 3 months ago

Hah, well, I won't hold my breath there Rasa.

I cannot fathom that the Lord has blessed us with logic and rationality and have us forgo their use.

Last seen: 16 years 3 months ago

Can't seem to find anybody elses "Hello" post. Everybody else joined back in the days of IBM word processors, sorry... Sad

I cannot fathom that the Lord has blessed us with logic and rationality and have us forgo their use.