Hi all,
My big cross country move is complete and I am back playing. Miss me? Didn't think so. hehe I have finally added an avatar to my account and it seems appropiate to me. Lets go kill some tangos together, oh and save the hostages of course. Hangman
Sun, 20/07/2008 - 22:11
Hey Hangman. Welcome back.
Cu ingame
welcome back to the wild west.
Welcome back Hangman
22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
Thanks all. I just figured out how to get an image on my signature. To cool!
Tell me how if it's not HTML plz
22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
It is HTML. I clicked on someone else's signature and worked it out from there. It was a formula one car and it lead to photobucket web site. Then I googled HTML and got a tutorial website. It should look somethng like this :

What is in the quotes I copied and pasted from photobucket. I had to resize my photo several times to make it fit. Anymore questions just ask and I will try and answer. I am not very computer savy so I was pretty proud of myself for figuring it out.
Ok last try to show you what to type.
at the end.
email me at timr972@yahoo.com and I will show you what I typed.
It's ok buddy I'm good with html, Ijust wanted to know if it was html and it is haha
22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
Welcome Back Hangman, long time no see, now I understand why
See you on the servers some point.
Glad to see you again Hangman, as I am a few weeks away from my official return...I also moved and in thge process of relocating to a new Apartment....I hope this process speeds up for me.
Also, YES, the Avatar is very appropriat, as it is your RVS Armpatch...hehe
Wow a lot of replies. First for Nick, I am glad I don't need to try and type out how I got my picture on there. That is harder than getting the picture! For Jonsi, Mr. Rct! Cool, I put my application in and will talk with an SAS Cpl soon to see how things are going. For Spawn, Long time no hear. I have asked about you several times and gotton so good updates. I hope the rest of your move goes smoothly and you get back online to harrass HASE. haha I will be gone for 3 weeks in August for some training at Fort Lewis. I hate running!
make a pic...visit...http://imageshack.us and copy the links to your sig...easy!!!!!
remember SAS rules though.........no more than 450 px wide.
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
Hey Hangman and welcome back!
Awesome picture too, I assume its you?
Thanks Valroe, yes it's me. That picture actually was on the front page of some news paper in upstate New York.
Hi Hangman, and welcome back.
Always nice to play with you. Just hit me on xfire or teamspeak if there is anything I can do to help.
Just wondering, why did you choose that pic? My dream was to be a rescueworker on the air ambulance. But that was destroyed after hanging under the chopper in a thin rope high up in the air LOL
Hi Medic,
I look forward to the opportunity to join your ranks. I choose the picture because it is what I do for a living. That is actually me standing in the door. It is from 2001. If you know how my application is coming let me know. See ya in-game.