Considering my familiarity with such programming tasks, for anyone who dares to ask me anything about the use of such code for modding or even creating RvS patch 1.70.... As far as I am concerned that SDK is built on top of an illegal act of theft, and under my countries backwards laws on such software matters, becoming involved with any use of it, would put me at risk of a prison sentence and multi-thousand dollar damages. At the bare minimal it would be dealing with Canadian law, in which it is still illegal to the best of my knowledge, along with just about every country that has a concept of stealing cars or anything else.
There for, I wash my hands of the SDK. I'm also to poor to buy my own private island.
Awesome gonna try it out now thnx WIZ for the link

[SAS]_Vet_Ade Veteran (Vet) 22nd Elite Virtual Regiment.
yall this is a english speakin server, I gonna have to get spidey to translate that into somethin readable.
JK there
Nice mod there Wiz! But to do it you need to use internet explorer.
22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
Considering my familiarity with such programming tasks, for anyone who dares to ask me anything about the use of such code for modding or even creating RvS patch 1.70.... As far as I am concerned that SDK is built on top of an illegal act of theft, and under my countries backwards laws on such software matters, becoming involved with any use of it, would put me at risk of a prison sentence and multi-thousand dollar damages. At the bare minimal it would be dealing with Canadian law, in which it is still illegal to the best of my knowledge, along with just about every country that has a concept of stealing cars or anything else.
There for, I wash my hands of the SDK. I'm also to poor to buy my own private island.
[SAS]_WO1_Spidey01 out.
i posted the link, i didnt tell you to download it
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
Ah i see
I have been chatting with Twilight and his mate fodder about mods and maps
Nice chaps they will help and a good source of info.
Head of Recruitment & Tactical Training
GCHQ - 22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
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