Random Question : Are you right handed or left handed?
Also maybe on a certain day we could all try to use our opposite hand , on TG1 or TG3. It should help with the connection between the sides of the brain or something, but it would sure be funny!
Are you a Righty or Lefty?
Tue, 30/10/2007 - 20:46
Are you a Righty or Lefty?
right hand, dunno know why it is ok for me hehe
Righty tighty.
My left hands good for typing (I'm a 10 finger typest), picking my nose, and working the D-Pad on a game controller lol.
Would be cool if in game we could choose that, or at least switch shooting arms to better handle a corner.
but i'm quite good with my right hand too
i'm a mix
playing pc,eating:right
everything else: left
@spidey: that's what i like in Splinter Cell...i read that you can swith yous shooting arm in Ground Branch too
SAS Rct Ithen

(pronounced "eaten")
lol im right, but my friend
usem se right hand to write the left hand to throw or play minigolf
he use the left foot to shoot, but use the right foot to stop a ball
and anithing else
I'm right handed, but I think there are some things I use the left hand for.. like picking up certain things. Not sure why.
I think I'd have another problem when switching mice hands, as my mouse is designed for right handers.
right-handed, right-footed and probably right-eyed too.
I wonder if the poll will give a nice 90 to 10 ration hehe...
Nevertheless I'm happy to be righty ... less troubles ... and also statistics prove that lefties die 5 year earlier than righties .... on average ...
\"Virtue is its own reward.\"
Right handed, but left-eyed. Which of course is a challenge when shooting...
sometimes i have 2 left hands
I have exactly the same thing, so I had to switch shooting hands.
oh i just shoot if i miss i can tell it was because of the crappy trainers i had
i'm right eyed right handed
Left handed for things like eating, writing, putting discs in a cd drive etc. Right handed for picking things up, like a glass thats on my right side. I just hope I won't need to write with my right hand, I usually get swibles instead of words.
[SAS] Veteran Chester 22nd Special Air Service - Elite Virtual Regiment
Im finding it disturbing that alot of people are saying im quite good with my right hand :?
Head of Recruitment & Tactical Training
GCHQ - 22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
"Godo godo!" Lazko and his typoes image size exceeded -- click to view
And some are good with both
Noli Mi Tangere!!! Don't Tread On Me!!!
That reminds me of a smart alic response but I think I'll keep that one to myself hehe.
I'm right handed, but I'm trying to teach myself better use of my left hand, so I can pull more amidexterous maneuvers with firearms.