Im having problems with my aim account. I have made one with the nick "noerdk". Downloaded aim on computer, but I cant log on through aim. If I go to the site it works, so I know that I have my password right. Ive also tried to install Aim on my computer at work, there it doesnt work either. I was wondering if one of u could try out my nick and password on your aim and see if you can log in with my username.
I can be contacted at mail and msn at
Btw, good homepage this
Allan Nørgaard, Denmark.
if you want i can try it, you can aim me oops, xfire me of email me
"Game over man." Pvt. Hudson. SAS 22nd E.V.R.
I have AIM and I have to say the newest verison is making me want to go balistic with its username bug and its connection errors. So far I hover around on Xfire personaly these days anymore. SN is Bloodsplat.
Never trust a hermit with your cookie.
I use Trillian and I recommend it to anyone. It is able to connect to lots of different messaging systems at once - AIM, MSN, IRC, and lots of others. It does not have advertising on it either.
I stopped using the real AIM client when it started having advertising that made noises. How annoying was that?!!
i dont know james i have doubt about it is the "controls" for it the same like sending and receiving files or talking to others?
"Game over man." Pvt. Hudson. SAS 22nd E.V.R.
Might use that if theres a FreeBSD port. Python uses that too.
Personally I use X-Fire on Windows, and Gaim on PC-BSD (logged into AIM) since I don't have any one to talk to on MSN, IRC, Jabber, e.t.c. Gaim supports alot of IM systems nativly and via plug in and works on many platforms.
All I need is a X-Fire plug in for Gaim that I can figure out when I have time to do the figuring on the one there is ^_^.
Thanks for all the answers. Rand have tried my username / password on his system, and he could log on, so it must be my computer at home. ive tried to turn of firewall, antivirus ect. and im soon kicking the aim installation to hell
But what are u saying, can i use another program to acces "chat" with u SAS - members? one of u is talking about x-fire?
I have always used msn (a lot) and that is the only chat program that i know.
use that link to get X-Fire and the next is a topic on this forum about X-Fire.