This is something I was talking to Nick and Cougar about, it's a very 'advanced' technique for ending a hostage situation. (Watch the first 2:30 or so)
Note: this video contains some adult language!
ROFL! I'll try it in RVS
22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
Cool im going to try that on SWAT and I love that movie!
If you notice this notice you will notice that this notice is not a notice.
I don't suppose this means I can get away with shooting the hostage in my trooper test?
aka Slack911, yamaraion, M827_CSM_COUGAR,Cougar]
Epic fail Cougar, positively epic
SPEED - great movie, love it The breakthrough for Keanu Reaves and Sandra Bullock becoming Topstars.
DUKE, Germany
"What's the plan?
Track'em, find'em, kill'em!"
loved this movie as a kid