Kibo is the nickname, username and e-mail address of a Usenetter known for his sense of humor, various surrealist net pranks, an absurdly long .signature, and a machine-assisted knack for joining any thread in which his nom de guerre is mentioned (to "kiboze"). His exploits have earned him a multitude of enthusiasts, who celebrate him as the head deity of the parody religion kibology, centered on the humor newsgroup alt.religion.kibology.
WARNING the sig block is huge, insane, and well past the netguides thumbline of 4 <= 80 char line of text, or a 300x100px 'ish image for a common sig block lol.
WOW very long............nice one Spidey
Yeah i know its funny, it looks like someone has way to much free time
Omg. Why do it easy when you can do it though...
Swat_Lukas Coop Generation Veteran