There are dates that bring back fond memories. Your birthday, wedding, anniversary, graduation, promotion and first kiss are but a few that come to my mind. Then there are dates that cause pain and anger.
September 11, 2001 is a date I shall never forget nor forgive those who brought such grief to so many. As the anniversary of such a dasdardly deed dawns here I can only say: God bless the United States of America!
Mon, 11/09/2006 - 11:28
My thoughts today go out to all the lives that were lost on this date, 5 years ago. May their souls rest in peace.
justice will be done. My thoughts go out to all of the servicemen across the world, who are fighting for tooth and nail, to resolve a situation, which this incident sparked.
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
Nor shall the rest of the world forget.
America bore the blunt of that horrible day but we stand united.
For the families of the victims we greave, for those serving to seek freedom we pray.
Sgt Jakub
Train Hard - Fight Easy
There is no excuse to calls pain and suffering en masse. My heart drifts to those that lost family and friends but my first eyes the terriorists.
I'm glad I was not there to see the terriorists on those planes when they went before GOD, every thing I have ever learned of their religion has been of peace, some just don't get things and make it up them selfs...
We shall never surrender. We shall overcome.
My thoughts go out to all effected.
I hope somethinglike this never happens again.
It saddens me...the murder of innocent people in the name of an idea will never bring solutions :tired:
"Godo godo!" Lazko and his typoes image size exceeded -- click to view
Today 5 Years from the attacks I am sadden that I stll have questions. Sadden that the government and corporations won't honor the lives lost by explaining what really happened. My deepest regret goes out to those who have lost and continue to lose in this conflict and its pursuant wars.