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Effective 8 May 2005, the Command of the 22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment was transferred to Lt.Col Heim.

It is with great honor and pride that I turn over the reigns to Heim. It was known to the officers for a few months now that sometime after the release of SWAT4, the transfer of command would take place.

I felt it appropriate to give the news of Sinister an opportunity to have the attention that it deserved, so I delayed Heim''s promotion for an appropriate length of time.

For those who may be confused about the ranking structure, Heim''s rank continues to be Lt.Col and his billet is CO of the 22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment. His title in game and in communication will be Commanding Officer--just as mine was. The only time you will see a Lt.Col, as such, listed on the website will be shortly in advance to a change of command or at such a time as the next successor to command has been determined.

The future looks very bright for the [SAS]. I believe I am relenquishing command of the team at a time in its evolution where it is at a peak. Anyone, who has been with the team for approximately as long as I have, will know that the team has never been turned over to anyone in better shape than it is now. While I would like to take the credit for this--and I do accept my share--this team is strong through its membership! This is the best group of online friends anyone could have. There is a true bond amongst this group from top to bottom. It has always given me tremendous pride to know that I was leading a group of people of such fine moral fibre and integrity.

At the core--at the heart--of the [SAS] have been members like Smart, King, One, Ironman, BrokenFrame, Trig, Sinister, Heim, Moebius, Coop, Cappellan, Delta1, Marine, Srt and many more current members whose careers are still forming. This is an impressive list. I am proud to have known these people and all have had lasting impact on the team, its direction and also on me as a leader.

As for my future with [SAS], a different path than the one I had envisioned has been cast before me. Heim has offered, and I have accepted, the position of Troop Captain. I will endeavor to carry on the legacy of Sini and his Flying Circus with the able assistance of all the members of the team.

I ask everyone reading this to stop and take a few moments to think about that time when you first stumbled across one of our game servers or our website. What were your first impressions? Your first thoughts? I''ll bet that they were all very similar. We have been drawn together by common desires and goals. You were selected because you exemplified the code of honor which carries us forward. You are successful because of your work ethic and because of the ownership others take in your success. The future will be great because you care. You will stay because you enjoy having a place to go to have fun with friends and disconnect for a few minutes or hours from the pressures of real life and immerse yourself in some good, honest roleplay. The thing I have enjoyed more than anything is that you get back much more than you put in.

Let me end this with a simple memory. Think back to 3 words writ large and red from the old flash intro to the website. FUN FUN FUN. (If you have been around a while you will remember that intro Wink ) It certainly has been fun and I''m looking forward to getting more enjoyment from the games we choose and spending time with the membership.

See you in the games!


Lt. Col (Retired)

22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment