I fiqured since I have been playing with you guys for awhile now I should formally introduce myself on your forums and what better time is there to do introductions than at 130am. My name is... Noah Melamed and I am 16. I live in Nortern NJ, I have every version of RvS since R6 which was followed by R6:EW then RS RS:UO RS:CO RS:BT RvS:AS.... That is proabbly an overshare . You are by far the best guys to game with. I have played on multitudes of servers, have hosted my own dedicated server for proabbly half a year and have never come in contact with such an awesome group of guys. I havent met all of you but hopefully your all as nice as the ones I have met. Well thanks for all the awesome games and cheers for many more .
-Noah Melamed
Thu, 30/12/2004 - 06:38