Why did you lads changes server 2 from RVS-server to SWAT 4 server ?? Isn’t there a bigger demand for RVS spots, and isn’t the most of your members RVS players??? .
It was supper if there again can be lanced a second RVS-server. Because there have lately been a big demand for spots on the one RVS-server you lads are running. Especial in the period from around 0700-1130 pm(GMT).
This next one can sound a bit self is ( but then again specialforces/co-ops. personnel are suppose to be self is to be the best they can be) A second server will def. makes it a bit easier for some of us not Americans AP’s to get some more training time on the server. Because when I can get my hands on the computer and my family lets me off the hook, then the server is 80 % of the times full and I cant get a spot for a very long time. And when I finally get in I can only stay for a short period of time before going again.
Hi SFC. I think the reason for swapping server 2 to SWAT 4 was that it is hard to lock/unlock the server in SWAT 4, so we now have #2 as an always-locked server.
Secondly, I wouldn't worry too much as with The Regiment coming out tomorrow, demand for RvS spots might fall if it is good.
Remember, you can always try asking on TS for a spot. Only recruits can formally request a spot and have someone asked to leave, but you might get lucky if there happens to be someone particularly annoying in the server.
Yes that is correct. There is always the “TS asking for a spot way” . And perhaps you are right - that “the Regiment” totally will overtake the RVS as the “favorite” spec-op game server in the clan.
But lets see, the game I out today I can see, so I am looking forward to some reports from other player on that they think of the game before I rush with my head under my arm and bye the “thing”
Worst things comes to worst ask on TS and e will keep you informed of when spots open up.
The main reason was that, Server 2 is a damn good set-up but no1 was using it, therefore the host diverted the application to something more usefull.
We do not doubt the desire for spots on Server1, but in the times that you mentioned there should be plenty. as most of us UK are tied up, but some are not.
Keep trying you will get a spot on server
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
I did not log on server #2 (for RVS) much, because I had a high ping rate. Usually it was 200+ for me. This might of been the same issue for others.
Even though SFC is right on a higher demand for RvS. Would you (SFC) join the other server if all the SAS are in server #1? No, you probably wouldn't, because you want to be in #1 with the others.
The only reason i had to join #2 was when #1 was down or locked.
Midget that is not correct, I personally think, that a second server can attract the same type of players if SAS sets the same high standard for this server as for server 1.
Personally, yes I join to play with the best. But even a second server with out the present of 2-3 SAS members will never be classified as a “stress server”. Server 1 and the culture, ethics and the standard that the SAS org. has set for teamwork has the ability to attract the “right” type of players. So for me it will not matter if I play on server 1 or 2 as long as I can play with the “right” type of players “Team players” .
But again lets se what “ The Regiment” brings. And the info. about that it is harder to lock a SWAT server is ok with me. I just wondered why the change.
And again it is the SAS org. that is in control and this is a military arranged org. with all that this brings on.
SIR SFC classified as lover that the dirt under your boots will make a requisition over TS next time the server is full for a possible spot SIR
Only time I ever played on TG2 was to train for my tryouts. (Special thx to Rand & Wiz during those days of Iron Wrath, and Relish for Dynamics on TG1:) ) Or when there where none SAS playing that would some day make fine [SAS] or it was the only contigent of my comrades in [SAS] online @ the time.
I think we should have 2 RvS servers, 2 S4 servers, 2 TR severs (The Regiment), or 2 RvS, + 2 Public S4, 1 Private S4 server.
TG2 was exspecially nice for us none Sabre while Sabre had Trainings:D