Everytime I try going in the proving grounds, I get 'server did not respond' message, even when theres players already in...
Really annoying, I've had to go on SS and Obsolete servers
Any ideas?
Server not responding
Fri, 30/11/2012 - 22:05
Server not responding
I have this problem too. I've thought it was my annoying internet, because I also have MANY issues with that...
Restarting Raven Shield and running it as administrator seems to help for me.
Recently I sometimes get kicked out between rounds. In that case, when I go back it says 'server did not respond'. I usually restart Raven Shield in this case, and it works.
But like I said, sometimes it's just my internet being stupid and I have to reset my connection altogether.
I hope some of these half-fixes work for you. Best of luck
EDIT: I assumed you were talking about Raven Shield, that is. I'm not 100% familiar with this message in SWAT 4, but it could be that we have 8/10 public player slots in the server, and 2 private slots that you need to provide a password to get into.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure he's talking about the Raven Shield server, Obsolete Superstars and SS have RvS servers, but not SWAT ones (at least, not any that I'm aware of).
Anyways, since this problem happens sometimes, I guess sometimes the server doesn't get up on the internet properly, either that or we got a common issue with our RvS clients.
Usually if it's not working we can give JB a ring and he'll look into it when he sees that we're crying about it
What a nice guy! (We love our Major)
Just report it if you have the issue, and one of us can confirm if it's just you or if it' all of us. This is the kind of thing we have XFire for
Fixing many Rvs issues is a simple fix. As Yogi mentioned...
Right click on the desktop icon, select 'properties' then select the compatibility tab. Select the option to run Rvs in XP SP3 mode; then check the box 'always run as administrator'.
Then, always use that desktop icon to start the game. It will fix many issues.
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
ALWAYS run as administrator? Oh my gosh, THANKS WIZ lol.
Wish I would have found this sooner x.x
Thank you, I run it as admin, had to renter ubi login and rvs cd key and all is fixed
also had to try several times to login into ubi before, done it first time 