Not sure if this is the right thread, anyway, problem is when I use night vision it doesn't go green but grey, and turns into red if I point at light areas, and I practically can't see anything. It's like a TV with no signal you know?
My question is, is it my graphics card or a game problem? Reinstall doesn't fix it either.
What graphic card u have ? Did u try reinstall drivers ? (dunno if reinstall mean game or drivers)
It's a laptop, GMA 950 series, the game runs fine on high settings, only issue is night vision, which I rarely use. I'm just wondering why it doesn't work.
And what I reinstalled was the game, not ze drivers.
Maybe update your drivers, that may help, also, in my opinion, night vision is horrible in Swat. I see better without them in dark.
SAS_Magnum Lance Corporal SAS 22nd Elite Virtual Regiment.