Hello! I have absolutely no idea how to start this off!
Well, my name is Josh, though I typically go under the handle "DrFreenote" ("Free" or "Note" for short, though "Josh" works just as well). I'm 21, born and raised in Canada, with far too much time on my hands. I've always been a fan of the Rainbow Six series. My first experience with the game came from a PC Gamer magazine demo disk which contained the demo to the original Rainbow Six. I couldn't get enough of it, the entire concept of planing ones actions ahead of time, and even sending out multiple teams that would run through the actions at the same time as you was simply astounding to me. I've always longed for that sort of cooperative style of play, which I find to be horribly lacking in the games of today.
I have to admit, I haven't played a lot of SWAT games, partially due to the fact that the computers I've had have all been quite rubbish, though mostly because money has always been rather tight.
Other then that, I recently had a pretty enjoyable time playing a few rounds with one of your members (I can't for the life of me remember who, sorry!), and he linked me to the site. Figured I'd take a gander and mingle, or something of the sort. xD
Nice introduction, DrFreenote ! Enjoy the playing on our servers and have fun !
Maybe some day I can catch you on Swat 4 TSS
SAS_Magnum Lance Corporal SAS 22nd Elite Virtual Regiment.
Welcome to the forums DrFreenote!
We had some nice rounds the other day, looking forward to more soon... do you have an Xfire?
Anyways I will catch you on the servers!
22nd [SAS] E.V.R. - Who Dares Wins
Hey! I was actually thinking of getting my xFire up and running again just to keep an eye on the server. xD I seem to only find the server when it's empty. I'll post here when I finally get it all sorted out.
EDIT: My xFire is drfreenote. Feel free to add me!
Welcome to the forums DrFreenote. I played the RavenShield demo for about a year before I bought it lol. Glad to hear you like our style of play.
You've been playing on our RavenShield server? I hope to see you there.
Hey, welcome on the forum ! Same as Magnum, maybe I'll catch you in SWAT 4 TSS !
SAS_Trp_Matt SAS 22nd Elite Virtual Regiment.
Hey, thanks for the warm welcome guys. =3
Yup, I've been playing on your Proving Grounds 2 server on Raven Shield.
Correct me if I'm mistaken, but does TSS stand for TeamSpeak server? I don't actually have SWAT 4 as of currently, just Raven Shield. I wouldn't mind playing with some actual audio feedback from teammates, though. Makes for a great experience, I'd think.
TSS stands for Sterchkov Syndicate
TS sever is currently down and is for sas and friends only. 
SAS_Trp_Matt SAS 22nd Elite Virtual Regiment.
play a bit more, get yourself known and maybe someone will hand you the pw
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
Hey there, see you on the server!
Hello, DrFreenote!
You've found the right place.
WELCOME on forum and servers
DUKE, Germany
"What's the plan?
Track'em, find'em, kill'em!"
Good to see ya made it to the board Freenote, Nice intro there and will See ya in the game.
If we see enough of you we may invite you to TeamSpeak.
TSS is The Stetchkov Syndicate. It's the expansion for SWAT 4 I believe. That's the version we play: SWAT 4 TSS.
But you know, Ravenshield is superior ;P
Raven Shield would be superior if more people shared such tactical passion. xD; That being said, there have been a few people who have been decent in that regard.
Out of curiosity, are there times where SAS players typically play, or is it pretty random? xD
Take a look at this thread here --> http://www.sasclan.org/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=10639
22nd [SAS] E.V.R. - Who Dares Wins
I suppose it's pretty much random times. Usually I look at the servers or teamspeak to see if anyone is online or playing. I don't really play if there aren't any people on. If there's a trusty public player on the PG though, I'll join in :).
Right now I'm getting close to finals so I don't have much free time. I usually notice the Americans online around 11am or so.
Most of our Europeans (for RavenShield) play pretty late at night as far as GMT is concerned. When it's 10pm for me it's like 5am for them lol. They can be up as early as 5-6am though if you live in America (that's like their 11am).
Generally I think we have our ups and downs. Usually there are some people online around noon (USA time that is), and about 6pm (also USA time).
I'll keep that in mind. I have no qualms going by GMT/UTC. For reference, my timezone currently is -0700 (Pacific Daylight Time), though that means nothing considering my sleep schedule is completely out of whack. xD I'll just keep an eye out for players, I suppose.
PDT... where are you from? Vancouver? Nice to have people in your own timezone for once
22nd [SAS] E.V.R. - Who Dares Wins
Used to live in Burnaby, though I was born in White Rock. Lived around the lower mainland area (Coquitlam, Surrey, Burnaby, to be exact) for most of my life. Moved up to Kelowna four or five years ago. Currently living in Winfield, about a half-hour drive north of Kelowna.
tl;dr I lived pretty close. Now I'm about four hours away.
Very Good Games to night there Freenote, You did very good.
Thanks, they were a ton of fun. =3
Is it just me, or has the Proving Grounds 2 server been finicky as of late? It's not often, but every now and again the map will either randomly change or a round will restart, issued by "[Web]" (which I can only assume is a remote console of sorts because it also happened when I was alone on the server). On that note, it seems to be down, currently.
Also, I'm a bit disappointed in xFire. For whatever reason I can't get Raven Shield to show up in the built in game server list, though if somebody is playing Raven Shield, server statistics appear properly. Not a huge deal, but it would be nice to be able to check the servers without actually running the game. xD
Welcome to the forums! I as well hope to catch you on the TSS server.
You've found the right place
"Let's just wing it" -Fluffy on things we should most definitely not wing
No one seems to be able to use Xfire's extra features for Raven Shield, incompatible I guess, but once the server info on the homepage gets fixed then checking the servers will be much more convenient.
22nd [SAS] E.V.R. - Who Dares Wins
I have the same problem with xfire, I have to turn it off while I am in the gamje or it lags me out bad. Plus I cant type worth a flip so havin it pop up durnin the game is a killer for me.
Welcome on the forums and server FreeNote. Good to see an other canadian around.
22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment