Please verify clan membership of player

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Last seen: 12 years 10 months ago
Please verify clan membership of player

first of all thank you for great free server where we all can learn how to play Rainbow Six in tactical and team work based way.

This game in multiplayer in nowadays exists mostly thanks to You Smile

I would like You to confirm membership of a players who has ur clan tag in front of name and is acting strangely.

First he TKed 3 players in purpose then he have said some confusing things.
Can You verify him?
Here screen with log from console:

He has been playing from 10 PM at 19 april 2012.

Thanks and greetings from The Old Republic Smile

May the Force be with You

Last seen: 3 months 3 weeks ago

Random is one of us. 2nd in command.

Last seen: 12 years 10 months ago

Whoops, this was a little awkward then.
I am sorry, it was a little confusing.

Thanks for Your answer.

May the Force be with You

Last seen: 3 months 3 weeks ago

I won't explain for him. He does what he does for his reasons.

If you want him to explain it, then ask him directly.

Last seen: 12 years 10 months ago

What i meant is that it was inappropriate of ME to report on true clan members.

I did it because I suspect that someone impersonate for one of your members.

It is your server, your rules - I don't need to know the reasons.

Anyway, thanks for playing and see You in game.

May the Force be with You

Last seen: 2 months 4 weeks ago

That was not Random and if it was, Ill ban him

Lt_Col WIZ,  VC, MiD (Ret)

Raptor's picture
Last seen: 3 years 2 months ago

I'm pretty sure it wasn't SAS Random.

I can't see the whole situation from the chatlog, but I never saw an SAS member using bad language. Especially not Random. And he usually doesn't kill the hostages.

This guy has threaten you with a ban. Are you really banned now?

You mean 10 pm UTC? Random spend some hours at AST swat server at the evening of 19th April.

Minor detail: I think the random in the chat log uses the wrong rank. If I remember correct, Random uses "LtCol" since a few days instead of "2lC".

Last seen: 9 years 9 months ago

That demeanour reeks of an imposter.

Last seen: 3 months 3 weeks ago

I'm pretty sure it was Random...

He was on TeamSpeak, I asked him if he was in the proving ground. He said he was. I went into the proving ground, he was there.

He said there was an "invasion of noobs" and that he ended up banning a few of them.

I can deduce that it was not an imposter. Like Jedi said though, we don't know the whole story.

SAS_Random's picture
Last seen: 6 months 4 weeks ago

The server was full 8/8 all playing like total crap. I kicked the newest person to get in there.

One guy was throwing flashes to explode in my face repeatedly. No one would tell me who it was. I did throw three scattered frags at nothing in particular after 6 or 7 rounds in a row at presidio of 30 seconds, fail, 30 secs, fail, etc. Basically to see if they all liked purposeless tac aids as much as I did.

Later in the round, I forgot I had swapped out my flashes which I always keep in slot 3 and when i went to put a flash on the presidio upper hostage it was a frag. Oops. That was not intentional.

The 3 frags i tossed in various directions with no aim just to show these guys how they were playing. It got their attention and they calmed down a bit.

What's funny to me is that the guys that took offense at how I behaved in a single round were not enough bothered by how absolutely shitty the game play was on the server for the dozens of attempts before I got there. They were all just going along with it. No one notified an admin or got upset enough to make a post on the forum. Strange, eh?

But I scatter a few frags around the map and they are moved to action. It's a joke. Jedi, where were you when all that bullshit was going on before I arrived? You were joining in playing grab ass with them.

Then I kicked 2 players for not working with others or following the plan. Then I restricted kit to bare essentials. The open slots allowed a few more good players to pop in. We made a plan with 3 teams and completed the mission in 1 attempt.

I gained control of the server and turned it over to Elite and Yogi with everyone playing team and following orders.

If I'm banned, I guess I can cope. I'm certainly not going to apologize for lobbing a few frags to prove a point.

Peace out.


Lt. Col (Retired)

22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment



SAS_Walker's picture
Last seen: 1 year 1 week ago

This is not normal behavior of SAS players tho. And for sure not the right use of words. Guess he just had a bad day...

22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment

Last seen: 9 years 8 months ago

No point of continuing this discussion...

*Topic Locked*

22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment