Hi all,
I just wanted to notice you that the PG server in Swat 4 is having a lot of crashes. There were like 12 crashes yesterday and 3 or 4 this morning its only 9 am here ^^.
No problem with TG.
Bye !
SAS_Trp_Matt SAS 22nd Elite Virtual Regiment.
Yes, it's true. I have a 10-15 crashes yesterday and 5-10 tonight & mornin'.
Ill make sure that someone keeps an eye on it.
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
I restarted it last night, should be fixed. If you have server issues, contact an admin on xfire or email at webmaster@sasclan.org
22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
I was on it for about 2 hrs without incident today.
Lt. Col (Retired)
22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment
Ive not heard of any problems since my last post
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
1st crash today.
there is someone in there right now who was there when maxy crashed. the player Sage said it didn't crash for him, so I think it was just maxy who crashed.
i will stay on it since i'll be playing there in a little bit.
Lt. Col (Retired)
22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment
I have some ideas why this is occuring...but that is another matter altogether.
Optimistic with applied sense of humor...
i zhave also some ideas did u take a look the last days on pg4?
i saw jack the last days on pg4
i wont say bad things ,but ... i heard that when he joined short after that the server crashed
i want u to know when i was on the server with jack the server didnt crash
well guys, if you dont share those ideas, it will just keep crashing as neither of you have the power to fix it, so its a bit stupid being all cryptic about it
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
its more we dont wanna say things about some guys when we not sure about it Sir
i know that indeep have massiv problems the last days someone hacks his computer and try to steal the key if i understand it right and his computer is doing wrong things he never had before .
my meaning was only that i saw jack the last days, that jack who was banned for dd..(dunno how it spells)attacks against the pg4 i think 2-3 months ago,
but random checked it already so it wasnt jack
so that was my idea but im not sure about so im not saying specially it was this or this guy
dd...ddos..'Dirstributed Denial Of Service' attacks. Its where you deliberatly overload a server to force it to crash
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
jack has replaced his engine files with the cracked ones so his game now works properly.
i have uploaded those files to the pg4 file browser. while i don't recommend everyone installing the files, it's something that people who crash servers could try that may prevent them from crashing the server.
Anyway, the files are there if anyone has contact with Sage or Maxy. They are both russians playing with russian copies of the game. I think these engine files are compatible, but they may want to back-up their originals to be safe
I banned them and the server stopped crashing. If they fix the problem, we can unban them.
Lt. Col (Retired)
22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment
I have a new ver (100% ENG) of the game, and i fink it's work good....
I removed your ban as well as Sage's. If Sage comes back, we can monitor him closely.
Lt. Col (Retired)
22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment