I hoped Random would make that post...
SEVEN YEARS of active duty, a lot of up and downs, but you stood your ground solid as a rock
Thanks for keeping this website up-to-date and giving your best in implementing always new features.
Thanks for bringing this team forward - always adhering to the founders vision. As new CO you filled those big boots real propper.
Some may say you are harsh at times. Yes, that's right, but you always keep it fair
Thanks for all the talks, advice and good company
Keep up your very good work here Only the sky is the limit.
3 CHEERS to the CO
DUKE, Germany
"What's the plan?
Track'em, find'em, kill'em!"
Happy 7th CB WIZ - thanks for the years of hard work you have put in, the majority of which I have not been here for, I am sure that will change however further down the road as the [SAS] continues to march forward stronger than ever under your commandership! Well done!!
22nd [SAS] E.V.R. - Who Dares Wins
Happy CB! Many Exclamations, smileys doing the wave, and beer cheers for you

WOW Happy 7th CB Wiz
[SAS]_Vet_Ade Veteran (Vet) 22nd Elite Virtual Regiment.
Happy 7th CB WIZ! Keep doing your good job. Even if you are pretty much in the shadow from the point of view of some members, you are doing a very good job as CO and keeping this great community alive and in expanding it. I hope to see 7 more!
22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
Happy clan birthday WIZ! The team is moving forward and growing. Congratulations on seven excellent years and best wishes for the next seven.
Lt. Col (Retired)
22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment
Happy 7th Clanbirthday Sir

happen CB day Wiz
Time for a party :idea:
OC => big buck's so we expect plenty off
Best regards,
Happy CB Wiz! 7 years of service for sure awesome.
Cheers to the CO!
22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment
Happy CB !
SAS_Magnum Lance Corporal SAS 22nd Elite Virtual Regiment.
HAPPY CLAN BIRTHDAY Wiz!!!!!! The FIRE water is on me!!!
THANK You for all you do!!!
Thankyou guys
There has been a few downs during my prescence in SAS, but many up's..life is a rollercoaster and you only get off when the ride stops.
I know that i am almost invisible to most of you..But trust me, i am there for you. Some know what i am doing for SAS on a daily basis, others dont. But everyone knows where to find me if you need me.
Thankyou for the wishes and i look forward to my 14th lol
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
Thanks for all the invisible work Wiz