My day that I found out that my two kids were in a bad accident left me lost.I 'm just letting those that know or don't how its going.
My kids are both alive no comas,missing limbs.
The Jeep grand cherokkee is on tuff rig,6 kids in it and it hit a tree after rolling. Three received spinal cord injuries.These are tuff kids.I'am just thankful they are all alive.
Optimistic with applied sense of humor...
I wish you and your family all the best, indeep
Sometimes there is a higher power...
Hope the injuries of your kids aren't that strong and that all will come to a good end.
DUKE, Germany
"What's the plan?
Track'em, find'em, kill'em!"
Give my thoughts and prayers to your family, indeep. I hope they all make a full recovery. And very well said quote you put at the end there.
22nd [SAS] E.V.R. - Who Dares Wins
I'm really sorry to hear that ... Indeep ... good to know that your children are doing well
best wishes for u and ur kids mate
My thoughts and prayers are with you on this one. I'm really glad your kids are okay. And I agree with that last statement of yours - the SAS can take anything, then dish it all back out the next moment. I'm sure you all will beat this and then some.
I'm very sorry to hear that indeep. I hope there will be no permanent injuries resulting of the accident. My best wishes to you and your family.
22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
Really Glad yall didnt loose one of them, They can begone so quick, Hug them Ever chance ya get, hope they make a full come back with no after effects.
Stay calm. Use your brain to deal with this as best you can to minimize the disaster. My hopes are with your children and their friends, bud.
Thanks all for the prayers and kind words.
Progress- My son now can feel some of his legs but still no movement with his legs.
Just some time to heal and build up what was broken.
keeping you posted
Optimistic with applied sense of humor...
I wish your son and everyone else that was involved in that accident a very speedy recovery.
[SAS]_Vet_Ade Veteran (Vet) 22nd Elite Virtual Regiment.
Update ***
8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8now in the works and playing in the 22nd EVR. MAJORCARNGE257
Optimistic with applied sense of humor...
Good to hear!
22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
You just pass some of that stuff down this way!!! I would love to see a foot or so of it , I always liked the snow back up in the mountains.
My son is going to have surgery next week,its all good ,but the time on his bac has taken its toll.
Hopefully I can get his laptop to join us @ SAS servers.
My absence in sas land,will change next week ,the weather will make me stay indoors more.
Optimistic with applied sense of humor...
Good news Indeep. All the best for your son!
22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment