this is a small map i started a couple months ago and haven't done anything to it since.
I'd appreciate some comments on what i should focus on doing for this map and any other thoughts you may have.
[SAS]_Vet_Ade Veteran (Vet) 22nd Elite Virtual Regiment.
Ok I will give it a look when I get back home. I'm always on the look out for up and coming rvs mappers.
Head of Recruitment & Tactical Training
GCHQ - 22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
the maps nothing special, but i do need some type of direction. I was thinking of an underground compound but i can try other things if u suggest that i should.
btw the wooden texture on the wall, ceiling and floor is just set as default for the time being.
[SAS]_Vet_Ade Veteran (Vet) 22nd Elite Virtual Regiment.
thats ok i use that wooden texture just because its easy aswell lol.
I have a few maps that are currently classified that i might release to the membership only for now until it can be tested in full.
As most of my maps have been with training and Coop in mind.
Head of Recruitment & Tactical Training
GCHQ - 22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
can't wait to see what suggestions you have for me
[SAS]_Vet_Ade Veteran (Vet) 22nd Elite Virtual Regiment.
these are the screen shots of the map.
[SAS]_Vet_Ade Veteran (Vet) 22nd Elite Virtual Regiment.
:cry: To SAS_Ade,
One problem. The link isn't any good. Can you give another one? Thanks.
IMPORTANT - please read this message -
I haven't done anything since last time i uploaded the map, i was thinking of making it a cave complex but my map making skills aren't that good and i have been having some problems with the skybox.
[SAS]_Vet_Ade Veteran (Vet) 22nd Elite Virtual Regiment.
Im taking a look at it and i will let you know soon.
Also try to include the INT file aswell.
Head of Recruitment & Tactical Training
GCHQ - 22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment