Requesting a SitRep

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Last seen: 7 years 11 months ago
Requesting a SitRep

Well guys, i'm not sure if you remember me, but I see that all the servers are locked down and I don't see anything going on.

[SAS] isn't dying is it? Blush I would like to start playing with you guys (and gals) again.


Last seen: 11 years 8 months ago

Hello, GeneralTrivium!

Of course we remember you... Dirol

The [SAS] 22nd EVR had been running several dedicated RvS- and SWAT-servers for many years - for FREE to our guests, friends and the membership in general.

Nevertheless, these servers cost money, which was funded over all these years by parts of the membership who was able to contribute some donations.

Right now, maybe due to the worldwide economical crises, the incoming donations by our members strongly stagnated and we weren't able to reach the monthly goals to keep our servers running, hence - as sad as it is - our servers are temporarily down.

YOU - our regular guests and friends - know for sure, that the [SAS] was running the best tactical servers out there. This is no begging now, but even small donations would help to get servers running again more fast.

We are already working hard on a solution to be back soon.

The [SAS] 22nd EVR is active and alive - of course not that active as we would like to be.

Be patient and check our forum to be up-to-date.

I hope these insights answered your question.


"What's the plan?
Track'em, find'em, kill'em!"

Last seen: 7 years 11 months ago

Hello, GeneralTrivium!

Of course we remember you... Dirol

The [SAS] 22nd EVR had been running several dedicated RavenShield- and SWAT-servers for many years - for FREE to our guests, friends and the membership in general.

Nevertheless, these servers cost money, which was funded over all these years by parts of the membership who was able to contribute some donations.

Right now, maybe due to the worldwide economical crises, the incoming donations by our members strongly stagnated and we weren't able to reach the monthly goals to keep our servers running, hence - as sad as it is - our servers are temporarily down.

YOU - our regular guests and friends - know for sure, that the [SAS] was running the best tactical servers out there. This is no begging now, but even small donations would help to get servers running again more fast.

We are already working hard on a solution to be back soon.

The [SAS] 22nd EVR is active and alive - of course not that active as we would like to be.

Be patient and check our forum to be up-to-date.

I hope these insights answered your question.


Ah, thanks for the heads up. Who normally hosts your servers?


Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago

When I first came to [SAS], they were originally hosted by the members: JB, En4cer, and Bronco. Later the team moved on to purchasing dedicated solutions.