Hi , im Mocte i played on ur mission server last nite , really good server .
im a clan leader in RoS , http://www.therejectsofsociety.com i was wondering if ya can help me and my clan out ? , im having problems with my server . any help would be lovely.
My xFire is Mocteros
perhaps you could list a brief description of the problem you are having and someone can respond to you.
Lt. Col (Retired)
22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment
GGZ last night, Mocte
aka Slack911, yamaraion, M827_CSM_COUGAR,Cougar]
please also tell us if its a dedicated server or managed
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
well i dont know if i have the right files on it , i downloaded them from filefront , the issue is that the server wont show on the list and wont conect via ip
You need to check the IP of the server and the port you set in the config files
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
whats the name of that file ? and under what folder it should be, and the port should be 7777, right ?
the server is dedicated
You havent actually told us what game it is yet lol
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
rainbow six raven shield , i just need a stock server
sorry i thought ya knew , im not that good with english
well the port you need to configure should be in the file /system/ravenshield.ini
the rest are in the same folder under server.ini
Hope you sort it
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
Is the server machine a managed or dedicated server that you all rent, or is it, for example sitting in your basement or something like that?
If it's hosted at home, you'll also want to setup port forwarding on your Router, to forward the ports. You can find examples here: http://portforward.com/english/applications/port_forwarding/Rainbow_Six_3_Raven_Shield_with_Ubi.com/Rainbow_Six_3_Raven_Shield_with_Ubi.comindex.htm
the port ranges given for 77xx and 87xx are specified in RavenShield.ini as Port= and ServerBeaconPort= and will need scaling accordingly if you choose to run on a non-standard port (for example, running multiple servers off that box).
thank you all for the help ,,it is a managed server we all rent , did all athat i have tcadmin on the server it automaticly open those ports, im pretty sure its the files meaby are corrupted or incomplete, ineed to know a safe source of the server files :S
try 3dgamers.com, tcadmin does have an upload facility, but if you are certain it is corrupted...send a ticket to your host and ask them to reinstall the game, they should be happy to do so.
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
thanks for the help and valuable information perhaps one day we can scrim each other