Hello, I have little problem. 2 days ago I bought new monitor. I had 17'' and now I have 22''. And the problem is when I play SWAT I don't see player list in briefing room. I already downloaded the newest drivers for monitor and graphic card and I tried to change resolution in game and in Windows. Anyone have this problem? Any ideas?
Have you set your monitor resolution correctly?
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
I set 1680x1050.
try 1920x1080 if you have a 22" widescreen
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
I have 22 widescreen but i have old graphic card and 1680x1050 is maximum.
Read this: http://www.widescreengaming.net/wiki/SWAT_4
I tried that myself Spidey, and I ended up with buttons missing their text, game chat missing and a strange perspective.
This is what I needed to do:
If the max your monitor/graphics card can do is 1680x1050 (my monitor), then you need to set game resolution to 1280x1024, not 1600x1200 as you don't have the needed height.
On a 22" this may look a bit blurry, though it works OK on my 20".
I'd suggest you get a graphics card that can go higher Bajorq - mine can go up to 2560x1600.
[SAS] Veteran Chester 22nd Special Air Service - Elite Virtual Regiment
SWAT 4 doesn't really support widescreen lol.
SWAT is fine for me at that resolution, follow Chesters advice and upgrade your card mate.
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
Now i checked that 1680x1050 is monitor max, graphic card can go higher. I tried that Spidey, don't work. I tried all resolutions in SWAT, and everytime same problem. I'll try reinstall SWAT.
BTW i have this problem only in expansion, normal SWAT works fine.
It's MAGIC, i reinstalled SWAT and now i see player list but i cant write in teamchat.
sounds to me like it is definatly a resolution issue..reinstalling it probably let swat detect your monitor settings
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
I have the same problem Bajorq, in 1680x1050 the game runs good but u dont see your own words in briefing. I am writing blindly and i am used to this now lol.
22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment
When I write I see only Chat, when I write something in TEAMCHAT I dont see it
test it, try SWAT settings of 800x600. It will look a little small, but if everything is visible, then you know that it is a resolution issue.
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
Still don't work.
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
OK, it's really MAGIC, now everythings works, i see player list, chat and teamchat. MAGIC !!!
SAS did a stealth mission and accessed your computer without being seen, Bajorq. rotflmao.
Well Bajorg, refresh and check your game now, that little tweek I made should have worked...hehe