SWAT (SAS) tactics?!!

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Last seen: 15 years 3 months ago
SWAT (SAS) tactics?!!

hello everyone!

i play swat since long time and this morning i joind a clanserver of yours. i was wondering as i never saw such tactics in swat game and i played on much servers. i know all have diffrent tactics and diffrent styles how to play. i read all the stuff i could find under the matter "tactics". i try to understand your way but i cant. i noticed you have something like a academy but im not abeld to look there or place a application there. so i want ask is this only for members of your clan or free for all?

i like to play tactical CoOp and i always play whit RoE because otherwise its no challenge. its easy to kill all suspects in sight whitout get any officer injured. dosent matter if they run away or dont give up as my bullet reach him before he can say "s**t, the cops are here". i know SAS tactics in real but i guess swat is simply the wrong game for SAS gaming. swat try to save lifes not to take them without any reason. for me the gaming was just ramboing on high level. i saw so often actions where i thoght: where is the tactic there? he cant do anything if this or this heppens..

so i comes back to my first question. its anyway possible to show me your tactics ingame and than explane why you do so or why its the best way to do so?!? i guess you make so in the training but i cant join or look in the section.

i dont want attake you guys you have good clan keep it up! i just try to understand the way you play in swat game as i dont understand it after the rounds i played on the server.

greeting Tac.

Last seen: 13 years 10 months ago

Well so far..

In my sight u did not see the tactics we usually do or SAS usually provide. Cara was on her own and u weren't assisting or working with her at all. You can't do much tactics alone. I always enjoy good and tactical games on SAS-servers; and if u would be on the servers from time to time u would see that. Judging of what u see in the first few minutes is senseless.

Greetings, Booone

SAS Rocks!!! Smile

Last seen: 11 years 8 months ago

Hey there, Tactics Exclaim

Glad you found your way to our servers and homepage. Thanks for your feedback Exclaim

Let me explain in short for a better understanding:

The SAS 22nd EVR is based on the British Special Air Service.

We take coop-gaming very serious and play as realistic as possible - based on specialforces real-world-CQB-tactics Exclaim

Forget about pepperspray and the pepperballcanon - it's just not realistic. Neither is pumping each room full of gas and being proud of achieving a good gamescore - which is btw not realistic, too.

It's all about teamplay (who does what and when), movement, covering, roomclearing according to proven standards (SOP).

Concerning your input about "ramboing on high level": We have our policies and rules of engagement (see tactics-section / SOP's).

We try to arrest, but never take fire first Exclaim In short: We shout once to make them comply --> the hostile contact / tango drops his gun or we drop him - simple Twisted

Further we shoot runners, because they could alert others, kill a hostage or detonate a bomb.

Bringing it to a point --> Teamsafety first - better a dead tango than a dead officer or civilian.

I hope this short essay helps you to understand the SAS-Way, Tactics.

I invite you to spend more time on the SAS-ProvingGrounds, just to get familar with our way of playing. Give it a shot and maybe you'll find your personal gamers-heaven - as many did before.

SAS 22nd Elite Virtual Regiment brings tactical coop-gaming to the next level.

Show me what you're made of, Tactics - see you on the server.

DUKE, Germany

"What's the plan?
Track'em, find'em, kill'em!"

Last seen: 12 years 10 months ago

That brought a tear to my eye... simply beautiful words Sgt.

In a condensed version. SWAT is a Law Enforcement Game, where you pretend to be a Law Enforcement Officer sworn to save lives.

SAS is as previously indicated. We are a group of like minded coop players who are pretending we are members of the Special Air Service... a military based counter revolutionary warfare organization. We are emulating military personnel who are striving to end a conflict and survive. Nothing pretty or noble.. no medals, no recognition.

When we deploy, bad people, who make bad choices, die. There are no lawyers in the combat field, nobody to cloud the waters, throw speculation into the wind. If your stupid enough to threaten innocent civilians or still be holding a weapon after we enter the area... then you will die.

End of story. If your seeking the Law Enforcement Experience... search elsewhere, cause we aint it. Dirol

[color=yellow][SAS] 22nd E.V.R. - SAS_VET_EN4CER /[color] Virtus Disciplina Unitas

Last seen: 14 years 9 months ago

Duke, you said exactly what I told him on the servers yesterday in a very neat and concise manner Biggrin

En4cer, I was waiting for your answer and as always, you never disappoint Biggrin

Thank you guys for the answers, I hope Tactics' understanding of how we work and play is better now.

And just a short answer from me (Boone already said something to this effect): To see SAS tactical gameplay, you have to view us as a team and not just one person, as one person cannot fulfill all the functions that a full element would.

Last seen: 15 years 3 months ago
Last seen: 14 years 9 months ago

Hi Tactics

Just a few comments from my side:

1. I was never rude or impolite to you, but just stated the truth wrt the questions you asked, if you perceived this as being impolite, then i apologise.
2. You asked me why I shot the runner, I told you exactly what Duke said
3. You continuously asked where our tactics are, I told you that it's difficult to show our tactical gameplay as one person, but that you can come and read our tactics section on the website and that we follow the SAS tactics, your response to that was that SAS kills.

I am very happy that your questions have been answered now, and would like to extend another invitation to you to join us on our server and see (and understand) the way we play Smile Hope to see you soon.

Last seen: 11 years 5 months ago

Like DUKE said, we never shot first (except when ROE is Green) but we follow Rules of Engagement.
At least most of us. If someone is not from clan and he is ramboing don't blame clan, only this player.
That someone is playing on this server does not mean that he uses clan tactic.

Last seen: 14 years 9 months ago

No Bajorq, according to Tactics I was the one rambo'ing, but I'm sure it was just because at that stage he didn't understand the way we play or our tactics

Last seen: 11 years 5 months ago

Ok, i don't play with You when this sittuation happened and i don't know exactly the situation.

Last seen: 11 years 8 months ago

Okay - I guess all is said Exclaim

Shake hands if needed, then move on...

Cheers Cheers

DUKE, Germany

"What's the plan?
Track'em, find'em, kill'em!"

Last seen: 15 years 3 months ago

how duke said, all is sorted now and i will join your servers more often to learn more of your tactics. cara, i hope to catch you next week and you show me some skills and let me be a part of it as i think i got the basics you play whit. im sure it will be intressting for me. see you soon ladys and gentelman.

greetings Tac.

Last seen: 14 years 9 months ago

Hiya Tactics

I look forward to playing with you again Smile And except for next week Thursday - Sunday when I'll be away, I should be online. See you then!

Last seen: 4 years 8 months ago


I was trained in individual self-defense tactics and some Ranger/Special Forces tactics...neither of which is the same as what SAS does in RvS or SWAT. Once you are no longer working alone or are in team, extreme CQB, right becomes wrong and wrong becomes right. Stay open minded and you will learn a lot about team tactics. I still learn how my training is wrong, in THESE conditions, every month. Have fun.

IMAGE(http://miniprofile.xfire.com/bg/sh/type/0/slack911.png) aka Slack911, yamaraion, M827_CSM_COUGAR,Cougar]

Last seen: 13 years 1 month ago

encouraging posts...
Very Good question on Our Tactics, and equally Good Answers. Bottom Line, we play TOGETHER...No One is above reproach when it comes to "Covering" Your Team-Mates!


Last seen: 15 years 2 weeks ago

What I dislike here is that you are wanna see our tactics and way of playing the game as if you are an interested player who maybe is looking for a clan or a community. As far as I know you are:
|SOG| Tactics (SM) from the SOG clan. (sogteam.com)

Not quiet polite manners when introducing yourself in my book.

-Timbo out