Hello to everyone in the forums!
Some of you have already seen me on the server playing RavenShield.
I was encouraged by one of your members to sign up and here I am.
Just if you're interested, I was born and live in Germany, so forgive me if my English may seem strange from time to time or I don't get everything right away.
I look forward spending time here and on the servers regularly, as this community seems very friendly and for the gameplay, professional.
I will try to be around regularly and contribute in any way I can, even though my Internet connection is limited.
So not to bore you to death, if you like to know more, send me a pm and see you around!
This is my signature. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
Ahh, nice to see you drop by the forums :-).
If you ever get SWAT 4: TSS, you and SAS_Duke may also get along in the Music Department lol.
Welcome to the forums and the servers!
Join the Dark side! We have cookies!
Those who believe to be something, have stopped to become something
Hey and welcome to the forums!
22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment
Welcome to the forums and the servers
(formerly known as SAS_LCpl_Hunter)
welcome to the forums.
hey dude, ive seen you around, my names [CQB]Steel, good to see you here.
Welcome and hope to catch some games with you
Hello there, had some cool games with ya already!
Hello The LongestDay!
WELCOME on forum and servers
Music-Department (Spidey)? Are you in Metal, too?
DUKE, Germany
"What's the plan?
Track'em, find'em, kill'em!"
Welcome m8, catch ya on the servers. Good to see another german player.
@Duke: is there other music besides metal ??
Howdy there Longestday and Welcome to ya, Good games with you also the other night.
Does your name come from a movie? I seem to remember a movie by that name and good movie at that.