been a while since I posted but I've had lots of work to do
But this morning my computer went messed up and I know they're lots of computer guys here! So can someone help me?
I posted it on Yahoo but no one answered yet...
BTW That's not my Yahoo account I just created it so don't add me to friends or anything. I don't use yahoo.
If you need any more details just ask!
-Picture from 'True Lies'
when you have "lines" in your screen then it is probably your grafic card.
In my book your graphic card is going to crash or is already kinda dead.
I cant remember what your wrote about your pc (laptop or desktop). If its a desktop then I would suggest that you remove it from your motherboard and clean the fan of it (if it has one of course). Maybe it is overheating (because of the 2min working and then black screen).
If you have another graphic card somewhere (no matter how old) plug it in and see if it works. If yes then you know that your graphic card has an hardware defect.
Thanks for the reply! But I don't have another video card.
I really think it's a problem with the screen but I don't know a thing about hardware.
----picture deleted by SAS_Timbo ( no more use of it and it was way to big)------
That's my PC and don't know what's what.
I'm gonna try find the cable to connect with my mum's TV screen just to see if it's screen or cable. (edit: Graphic Card)
-Picture from 'True Lies'
Are the lines distinct, like drawing strokes with a brush, or wavey?
Are they always there, even while the machine is starting (before WINDOWS) or do they develop a short time after the box has been running?
If you have access to another computer with suitable ports (or an adapter), hook it up and see if the same thing occurs after a short period. -> if it does, obviously monitor is going bad or it is environmental.
If you have another monitor that can be tested, try that as well. If another monitor does the same on that machine, it's your hardware or environmental.
I've only encountered two kinds of line, those that come from other devices in the area (like my mothers CRT powering on a foot away) or the graphics system going belly up.
Cleaning the ventilators works wonders sometimes...
DUKE, Germany
"What's the plan?
Track'em, find'em, kill'em!"
your graphic card is the horizontal thing under your AMD-Fan! So simply look on which port of which hardware you plug your monitor cable..then you can easily find your graphic card.
Like Duke says... and your picture clearly shows... clean the machine out. 8O
Get a can of compressed air... don't use a vacum. Get rid of the dirt and dust as those act as heat traps. Computers produce alot of heat when running... dirty components and clogged fans limit the ability to expell the heat.
Heat gets too high... all sorts of odd things start to happen. While the case is open... turn the computer on... DON'T TOUCH ANYTHING INSIDE !!
Just watch all the fans. Make sure they are all turning and moving air. If any of them have stopped... you cant get ride of the excess heat. Replace the fans that arent working.
If they are all working... then its definately your graphics card as Timbo indicated. Monitors tend to fair okay, no moving parts, good ventilation... if they break, the stay broke, they dont tend to fluctuate or pulse.
Graphics cards are all over the place... heat makes em do weird things... so does fluctations in power.
You need to analyze the machine more... as the others asked... does it start right away... or shortly after the computer has been running. Delays are indicative of heat issues... instant results are indicative of power issues or hardware failure.
We gave you the expert theories... the answer is sitting infront of you .. just look harder.
[color=yellow][SAS] 22nd E.V.R. - SAS_VET_EN4CER /[color] Virtus Disciplina Unitas
Hey hey guys! Thanks for all the replies but today I took it to the shop and turned out the Graphic Card had fried itself so I got a new RADEON HD 4850! Also cleaned out all that dust =.= Annoying to get to all the fans on the Antec 900...
I need to learn a lot more about Hardware... Thanks though guys!
-Picture from 'True Lies'
and i hope to see you online more often M8
[SAS]_Vet_Ade Veteran (Vet) 22nd Elite Virtual Regiment.
Graphic cards to fail eventually, all hardware does. Although, so far in ~17 years around computers I have only had 1 graphics card go belly up, lol; I think Duke has had 1 or 2.
A little deductive reasoning and occasional use of scientific methods, will usually pinpoint hardware troubles
Only ONE card blew totally up in about 22 years...
Oh well, seeing this years..., I got old, but better.
DUKE, Germany
"What's the plan?
Track'em, find'em, kill'em!"
on my side 1 as a game tester and 1 as a private gamer
man i am a destroyer