Useful program: Qlipboard

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Last seen: 5 years 5 months ago
Useful program: Qlipboard

Yesterday I updated the Qt installation on my lone Windows box, and in surfing their website, I found an interesting program called Qlipboard.

It ams to be to Windows what klipper is to UNIX machines running KDE, and behaves in much the same way. The icon rests in your system tray, when right clicked it offers a context menu allowing you to select the last several things you have pasted to the clipboard. Clicking the top 'Qlipboard - Clipboard Tool' opens a dialog that lets you set things: like the # of pastes to remember. Clicking an old paste in the context menu, puts it back as the current item in the clipboard, so you can paste it. I've found Klipper to be an incredibly useful tool on my FreeBSD machines over the years, and have long cursed Windows XP for lacking a comparable program. While much of KDE now will run on Windows NT without much hassle, Klipper sadly is not one of them.

If you have a tendency to copy and paste things a lot, but dislike having a single "Clipboard" buffer -- you might like to try Qlipboard. Imagine cut, copy, and paste; but with a "History" function like your web browsers history for web pages. It's the next best thing to X11.... hehe.

Last seen: 13 years 2 months ago

This will be a useful tool for Copy and Pasting PM's (Personel Mesages). Smile
