I've managed to convert my old RvS .bmp Cougar armpatch to a .tga file but it shows in the RvS armpatch list as a "not" symbol (red circle with diagonal) and does not "apply" to the character in game. I noticed it is 32x32 but only 3.01kb while all the other armpatch files are 12kb. I'm sure this is at least PART of the problem.
Anyone know what I did wrong/need to do to make this armpatch work in RvS? I'm pretty much "paint by numbers" here.
do u have photoshop or any other program that mite be able to convert your .bmp to .tga.
and make sure you rename your .tga file to an existing .tga, Example Arrow01.tga that way you replace your previous armpatch with your new one that you would have saved.
[SAS]_Vet_Ade Veteran (Vet) 22nd Elite Virtual Regiment.
I've managed to convert my old RavenShield .bmp Cougar armpatch to a .tga file, as I said.
make sure you rename your .tga file to an existing .tga, Example Arrow01.tga that way you replace your previous armpatch with your new one that you would have saved.
Did that. No change. Thanks for the effort.
aka Slack911, yamaraion, M827_CSM_COUGAR,Cougar]
as far as i know that should have worked but if your having difficulty just type "custom RVS armpatch" in google and you will find quiet a few results that will help you.
[SAS]_Vet_Ade Veteran (Vet) 22nd Elite Virtual Regiment.
It's next to my name, lol. The blue and white paw print. I'll see what I can find out from google. Thanks. I like to learn how to do new stuff, I'm staving off old age.
aka Slack911, yamaraion, M827_CSM_COUGAR,Cougar]
~( 8(|) Doh!
My friend, who does graphics for movies, took my file and is mailing me back a working tga, but he could take forever. How should I send you the file, Matsuro? Ok I just dl and tried your effort, it does work, blurry but then its 32x32 thanks
aka Slack911, yamaraion, M827_CSM_COUGAR,Cougar]
Just upload it to a site like imagevenue.com, and i'll DL from there.