Just a little video I threw together of us messing about on the training grounds. I would very much like to do more of this after I pass my tryout.
Matrix moves
Sun, 21/06/2009 - 15:15
Matrix moves
DUDE thats awesome
Semper Fidelis
dude i love the rock music and the fact that u went to all those lengths to blow things up
u also have a gag real at the end LOL.
[SAS]_Vet_Ade Veteran (Vet) 22nd Elite Virtual Regiment.
Haha, that looks very cool!
Kinda like the Film, and the Bloopers, or the Making Of....Nice
Was great fun. I downloaded fraps so that I could record amusing deaths when I was out of the round. But with a little planning you can get much better material to work with.
Ok, comments:
1:st, very nice, and looked great!
2:nd, What the hell was THAT? Chorly, TAKE YOUR PILLS!
Join the Dark side! We have cookies!
sorry XD... I found it randomly and wanted to share it :DDD
it would never qualify for its own thread so I just chucked it on here.
"half a Llama, twice the Llama, not a Llama, farmer Llama, Llama in a car, Alarm a Llama, Llama duck". Fantastic!!!!! :DDDDD
Here a Llama, There a Llama, Every where a Llama Llama. LOL
Way too many Llama's
[SAS]_Vet_Ade Veteran (Vet) 22nd Elite Virtual Regiment.
Just take a closer look at Winamp, lol.