Had the pleasure of playing with some of your members last night and had alot of fun hope to do it again some time
did my message sound dirty...it wasnt intended but I felt I didnt need to change it :roll:
Had the pleasure of playing with some of your members last night and had alot of fun hope to do it again some time
did my message sound dirty...it wasnt intended but I felt I didnt need to change it :roll:
hey whiggi.
glad you liked it on our server.
Tell us some more bout you... when did u started with RvS do you play other tactical games and so on.
Hahaha Whiggi... we expect nothing less from an australian

Glad you liked it and hope to see you on the server soon
Welcome Whiggi - which game do you play?
Semper Fidelis
Welcome Whiggi
(formerly known as SAS_LCpl_Hunter)
Nice to see you drop in Whiggi, catch ya on the servers
im sorry i forgot to mention
I play swat 4
im interested in this ravenshield though.. That is if its like SWAT 4
I am ONLY interested in Co-Op games against computer opponents
i dont care much for FFA or Team FFA FPS crap its just not my style
and welcome.
the only difference between swat and rvs is the game, we are still tactical and coop minded.
But play a game you like
welcome to our site, forums and servers.
hey there whiggi,
Officers are always needed.
Hope to catch some tangos with you.
22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment
Hello Whiggi,
Welcome to the Forums.
Hey, Whiggi!
It didn't take long to convince you, hm?
WELCOME on forum and servers
I catch you out there...
DUKE, Germany
"What's the plan?
Track'em, find'em, kill'em!"
Welcome Whiggi and hello from Adelaide, its always nice to see another aussie on this website.
you should get ravenshield trust me there are more ppl playing RVS then SWAT4 and it's quiet addictive.

[SAS]_Vet_Ade Veteran (Vet) 22nd Elite Virtual Regiment.
Welcome to the servers and the forums whiggi
Join the Dark side! We have cookies!
Hey guys
ill look into getting ravenshield (rainbow 6 right?)
are there any expansions ill need to by with it or anything to be able to play with you guys? let me know and ill look into it on my next days off
Formal title: Rainbow Six III: Raven Shield.
The expansion packs Athena Sword (~3 quid) and Iron Wrath (free) we sometimes use but not often.
just buy Rainbow 6 III RavenShield and download the newest patch to be able to play on SAS servers,
U wont be disappointed.
[SAS]_Vet_Ade Veteran (Vet) 22nd Elite Virtual Regiment.
lets not take anything away from SWAT4, we as a Team play Both Games, you as an individual need to decide which one you like, or you may just love Both Games..in which case....we got you covered..hehe