low ammo?

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Last seen: 15 years 2 months ago
low ammo?

Not proffesing to know much about real anti terrorist tactics...I wonder if a melee attack could play a realistic part if it was included in ravenshield. Many are the times where I found myself missing this feature...and not always wishing it was there so I could use it on a Terrorist.
And why not some slick Bruce Lee moves as well...for those many situations where a swift kick will allow you to achive what your'e after without lenghty explanations Biggrin
Hopefully you will have better training...or better yet, never have to use this. However, better the devil you know.
It's a bit like that movie....what was it called?.......uh.......Equilibrium...... yeah thats the one Blum 3

Last seen: 13 years 1 month ago

Believe it or not, That Video is somewhere in these Forums, and has been posted in the past...hehe


Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago

I rarely bother with youtube 8=).

While I can't vouch for how well the stocks on common SMGs would hold up to cracking an enemy in the face, so called "melee' attacks would be an invaluable and semi-realistic addition.

For most of the stuff we do in Raven Shield, if I had to do it in real life I would actually feel more comfortable with a semi-automatic pistol and an extended magazine, or a very small sub machine gun like the Steyr TMP or FN P90. Unlike RvS, something long like an M16/C7 or a L1A1/FN FAL is not *quite* as handy to use in tight spaces as the trusty MP5! The M16 is about 1 metre long, if you don't have room to even fire "from the hip", let along a proper CQ or distance firing positions, its not worth much as a weapon. The FN P90 on the other hand is about a half metre in length and a fairly tight fit. Weapons like the 9x19mm MP5 are small enough to be useful in tight spaces (The MP5-N is just over 2ft long without the sound suppressor), light weight, rapid firing, and the thing hits weak enough that there is much less chance of blowing a hole through the bad guy, through the wall behind him, and striaight into a hostage or a bomb on the other side. The same can't be said of the sawed off Browning Automatic Rifles used by gangsters - who didn't give a crap if they took out twice as many cops in a shoot out.

You need a short bit of distance to aim with, and the closer an enemy gets to you the more likely they could attempt to disarm you, reach you with a knife, or knock you around; in PC games it can also make them harder to hit the closer the are to you because of the rapid running speeds compared to mouse speeds. In my personal opinion it would be better to avoid getting "Physical" when possible in real life but in very close quarters some times that can't be avoided, and you do have to be ready to kick some ass [sic], as well as not being fool enough to trip over each others muzzles like a bunch of idiots lol.

One virtue of a pistol is you can still use your knife Wink

Last seen: 15 years 3 weeks ago

Military grade kravmaga is teached all over the world including the norwegian military. Its the simplest most effective hand to hand combat combat style in the world, and it doesn`t take long to learn the basics, which is perfect for soldiers.

Ninja stuff with kicking and climbing on walls etc, just doesn`t work with all your kit on... 14 kg`s of body armour, 6-7 kg`s of weapons including ammo, 5-6 kg`s of helmet and rig.

However, if you travel to eastern europe ehem (russia), you will surely find someone who disagrees with me ;P


Last seen: 13 years 1 month ago

LOL....I See This All The Time...


Last seen: 14 years 9 months ago

Hahahaha Valroe.... I'd be so disappointed if that's not standard practice in all armies... Blum 3

Last seen: 1 day 6 hours ago

Hahahaha Valroe.... I'd be so disappointed if that's not standard practice in all armies... Blum 3

Oh it is!

and ninjas?

Man they are everywhere! The goverment is always trying to cover it up, but I know they are everwhere...watching us....

i hate to fight them to! They just use their speical bombs and *phoff* they dissapere! Anoying!!!

Join the Dark side! We have cookies!

Last seen: 14 years 9 months ago

Yeah MB.... you are not the first person I hear complain about that ;p

Last seen: 2 years 2 months ago

MB your being a little paranoid?

all army's do teach basic hand to hand combat, if you don't know hand to hand combat what use are you when you and your enemy have no bullets

it's standard practice in all army's

[SAS]_Vet_Ade Veteran (Vet) 22nd Elite Virtual Regiment.

Last seen: 4 years 7 months ago

Rogue Spear mod NATO 3.0 has a secondary weapon of a knife included. NATO 3.1 MOD was preferred, however.

IMAGE(http://miniprofile.xfire.com/bg/sh/type/0/slack911.png) aka Slack911, yamaraion, M827_CSM_COUGAR,Cougar]