Hahahaha, it throws me a java.lang.ClassNotFoundException unless I run without system scan
Browser: Chrome
Performance: 575
My browser is a bit outdated, but Google Chrome seems to run nice on Dual Cores :-). (Note: this was done under my normal desktop load, which includes a music stream)
Actually Netscape version 9, was more so a Commercial version of the Mozilla product; likewise the same could mostly be said of all Netscape Navigators since version 5, version 8 excluded. After open Mozilla started off, really it was better to go with Mozilla or IE.
Strangely, the 2 most popular browers (IE, Fx) have histories dating back to the early 1990s.... lol.
246 Points
8O hmm...
22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment
Hahahaha, it throws me a java.lang.ClassNotFoundException unless I run without system scan
Browser: Chrome
Performance: 575
My browser is a bit outdated, but Google Chrome seems to run nice on Dual Cores :-). (Note: this was done under my normal desktop load, which includes a music stream)
I scored 369 the first time and 245 the second :S
Company Laptop 387, i'll try it later on the game rig.
(formerly known as SAS_LCpl_Hunter)
399 with firefox and just 199 with IE - bah !!!
FF: 451
IE: 320
Chrome: 996
CPU: Intel Core 2 Quad Processor Q6600
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT
Commanding Officer
22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment
FF: 579
IE: 255
CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo E8600
(formerly known as SAS_LCpl_Hunter)
ASUS Notebook Core Duo 1,83 Ghz (aug 2006)
Firefox v3.0.9: 353
Internet Explorer 8: 235
Safari 4 Beta: 947
Think I'm gonna start using Safari more often
FF: 426
CPU: intel core 2 duo E6600
Graphic card: geforce 8800GTX
22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
Netscape: (Predecessor to FireFox) 255 points.
Google Chrome: (Just downloaded after looking at Netscape's horrible score) 1349 points.
Intel Core 2 Quad Q9650 3.0 GHz
NVIDIA Geforce GTX 285
8 GB of RAM
I'm glad I downloaded Chrome, much nicer of a browser than I was expecting.
[SAS] Veteran Chester 22nd Special Air Service - Elite Virtual Regiment
Actually Netscape version 9, was more so a Commercial version of the Mozilla product; likewise the same could mostly be said of all Netscape Navigators since version 5, version 8 excluded. After open Mozilla started off, really it was better to go with Mozilla or IE.
Strangely, the 2 most popular browers (IE, Fx) have histories dating back to the early 1990s.... lol.